Something Between Red And Violet by Rahee De - HTML preview

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Chapter Thirty

She sits there zeroed in on the screen for any sign of Jason’s emergence from the bathroom. It’s been fifteen minutes, what is he shaving himself stark or something? She lets out an exacerbated breath. After five long minutes he comes out of the bathroom wearing a towel in his lower half. He comes directly to the place where she fixed the camera and picks up the room phone.  She hopes for him to come a little closer so that she can analyze steadily, but the way she stationed the camera she could see nothing but his bottom half and that makes it hard for her to determine anything.

Shit! Now what do I do? She curses in despondency. Meanwhile, he discards the towel giving her an eye full of his naked body and gets dressed quickly. He comes near the table again to pick his contacts. Calme holds her breath in anticipation for some clue, but his room phone rings making him retreat. He talks over it and after a while says something and throws the phone across the room in angry whim.

Whoa! What’s with the rowdy air? She thinks in a dither. She sees him darting out of the room banging the door behind. She decides to go to the root of this occurrence and losing no time she too almost flies out of her room in order to tail him.

Coming down to the hotel lobby she catches sight of him talking to the receptionist. Being twenty feet behind in distance she doesn’t make out what they are talking about, but by the look on Jason’s face she realizes that something is not right. Whatever that is, she hammers out a deal to follow him when he walks out of the hotel.

Barreling out; she looks about, but finds no sign of him. Suddenly her gaze falls upon a limousine parked in front of a café across the street and she sees Jason talking to a man leaning at the door of the vehicle. She squints her eyes trying to recognize the man, but fails to do so. After a while they both get inside the café. Playing it cool Calme heads to that direction and gingerly tries to note the number plate of the Limo. Inspecting her circumambient she takes a reserved look to the number.

Ah! Local vehicle. But who could possibly know Jason here?

She hears an abrupt bang in the back of the car. She jumps backward at that. Several more bangs and a muffled voice from the confinement arouse her curiosity. Taking cautious steps toward her object of snoopiness she places her ear to the trunk. BANG!

She becomes certain that someone’s bound and gagged in there. Taking a trembling breath she picks the lock and opens the lid a crack. Peering inside she sees a man lying face-down just in the condition she thought he would be.

“Hello? Are you alright?” she whispers opening the lid a little wider.

The man lifts his face revealing his dark headed pale familiarity. It’s Walker.