Something Between Red And Violet by Rahee De - HTML preview

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Chapter Thirty-three

By the time she comes back I’m already done with my much needed business and sitting on that dingy bench. She comes in dressed up all “Mission impossible” and I feel my mouth going dry.

“Like what you see?” she asks smirking. “Err—”

“Quit drooling and take it.” She says dispassionately handing me over a takeout box of food making my stomach rumble. Without wasting any time I eat the food as if I’ve been starving for years.

“I can see that you have taken care of your nose.” She asks not looking up from the little piece of machine in her hand, which I guess is a cell phone. It sure doesn’t seem like one though!

“I had to, since you left me to bleed to death.” I sigh, causing her to roll her eyes.

Few moments later her phone beeps with a message and she shoots up and appears to take haste.

Déjà-vu! Oh you’re so not leaving me behind this time Miss Agent.

I shoot up as well and block her path, causing her to bump on me. “What the—”

“You’re not going alone.” I tell her obstinately.

“I’m not alone. I have my team with me. Now move it!” she spits. I shake my head adamantly. “Being stubborn, are we?”

“Take me with you.” I tell her firmly.

“You’re not gonna be of any use there. So just get out of my way.” She asks very calmly.

“Make me!” I say and instantly regret it. But to my surprise, she only huffs and gestures for me to go ahead.

And off we go.

All the way to our destination she doesn’t say anything, but I can sense how constricted she is. I want to know what is going on in her mind, but the stoic mask she’s wearing is too thick to move across. She's driving for almost nine long hours, without stopping anywhere in between except the gas stations, as for me, i feel totally dehydrated and empty. I tried to talk to her several times, but she simply is being monosyllabic.

The car screeches to a stop and we move out. I see her taking out her so-called cell phone and call someone. We hike our way to a construction site, which seems to be abandoned. Reading the sign makes me realize it is the famous Silver city. Interesting place of choice to conceal your ass father!

Thirty feet ahead of us I see two people almost lying down on the ground.

“Crouch down, now!” Serenity commands. She too takes the same position and makes her way to them with me on her tow.

“What have we got?” she asks the blonde elderly man once we reach them.

“It seems the air-attack is cancelled and they are planning on escaping.” He says without looking in our direction.

“Is Mazzeo there?” she asks.

“No! We got no trace of him for a few hours now. The bloke is dangerously crafty, we need to give him—” he pauses once he notices me staring at him in a moronic way.

“What is he doing here?” he whisper-yells at Serenity.

“Get over it! We have a ring to take down.” she barks and slowly starts to run to the direction of the building. I hear the blonde groaning and following after her.

I feel ya mate. She’s one frustrating woman!