Something Between Red And Violet by Rahee De - HTML preview

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Chapter Thirty-two

I remain seated for a while taking in my surroundings. The room is too small and almost empty containing only the bed which merely holds my ample body and a bitty bench, giving me a feeling as if I have been taken hostage and thrown into a dungeon. Or it is truly a dungeon?

Leaving behind these irrational concepts I extricate myself from the bed and go in search of Serenity. Coming out of the bedroom I find myself standing in another nearly empty room which probably is what you call a living room. I momentarily ice over when I spot her standing beside a window distantly staring out in the early morning sky. Heading to her way I stand behind her silently.

“You know, I never failed at any assignment yet. But during this one, I have been so distracted that I hardly was able to make out who the real bad guy is.” She mutters coldly. I stand there stiffly and she continues, “I know in my line of work people will lose their lives, I have to kill or else I would get killed, so far I lost count of how many lives I have taken, except it was all for the sake of the nation. I have always been proud of my innate knowledge, but never knew that because of one silly mistake, this time two innocent people have to suffer so grievously. All because of my puny mind was distracted, distracted because of you!” she looks at me sternly.

“Me? What did I do now?” I ask taken astern. Without a word she dives for me, throwing me off balance. We both hit the floor with our hands all over each other, as in she, throwing unending punches at me and me dodging those off.  She manages to land five or six on my face and I try to calm her down.

“Why do you have to play with my mind?” She says in between her hits, “Why do you have to always make me think about you?” she stops with her relentless attacks at that and buries her face in the crook of my neck. We both lay there trying to stable our ragged breathing, when I feel the metallic gout hitting my taste-buds. Ah, broken nose!

Subsequently I feel her body dead-set and I follow suit after realizing our situation and proximity.

Oh yes, the famous woman on top position! I hear my breath hitch when she lifts her head and looks at me with something indecipherable in her eyes.

“Did you mean whatever you said on that phone-call?” she asks huskily. I nod without a single thought, feeling all too overwhelmed by the desire burning inside me.

Leaning down she kisses my neck igniting forbidden phenomenon deep within me.

“How do I make you feel Walker?” she rasps. I part my mouth to utter words when she sinks her teeth in my neck making me wince in pain or more like in pleasure.

And the next thing I know is that she’s up and out of the apartment, leaving me all wanton and in need of a cold bath.