Something Between Red And Violet by Rahee De - HTML preview

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Chapter Four

I wake up at the sound of my door bell.

“Oh son of a gun!” I curse under my breath sitting up in my bed.

It’s probably my new roommate. She’s supposed to move in today. But why is she so early? What time is it?

I check my alarm clock placed on my bed side table. Oh shoot! It’s 11 in the morning. I overslept! And there goes running my errands down the drain.

I jump out of my bed and rush towards the front door. I open it and my jaw drops. It’s her!

“Hey mate!” I look behind her and find Jason holding two boxes in his hand and beaming brightly. I start to say something but nothing comes out my mouth. AGAIN! I look at her and reiteratively find myself drowning in those amber depths.

“Hello?” she says waving her hand.

“Oh! Please come in.” I finally choke out. Then noticing my half naked self I race to my room.

Oh Christ! Kill me. I’ll probably die every day if she’s gonna stay with me. I get dressed in record time and head for the living room. Reaching there I find her sitting on the couch and Jason in the kitchen with a carton of milk in his hand. Slowly I take steps toward her. “Hi” I say, but once more just air comes out instead of words.

“Hey! You’re the one I met at the café last night, right?” she asks sounding amused. Shit! She probably thinks I’m a lunatic. I nod at that, unable to form any word.

“I apologize for my last day’s behavior. I actually was engrossed in something and thought you were the waiter—”

“No no. It’s totally fine.” I find myself answering, finally.

“I’m Serenity, by the way.” She holds out her hand for me to shake. Serenity. Ah! An irenic name for a tranquil beauty.

“I’m Dominic.” I say shaking her hand and feel my body quiver at her touch. “Let me show your room.” I offer her. She accepts and I show her to her bedroom and give her a little tour of the loft. In the midst of the tour my stomach grumbles making me realize that I haven’t eaten anything. “Would you like to eat something?” I ask her in constraint.

“No. You go ahead. I already had breakfast.” She informs. Agreeing I make my way to the kitchen. Jason is in the kitchen sitting at the counter and admiring his handiwork which is a pile of bread.

How did he manage to put this giant cardiac arrest on a plate so fast? He peeks at me from behind the hulking sandwich and wiggles his brows, making the whole scenario seem ridiculous before my eyes.

“Are you seriously gonna eat it?” I ask him incredulously pointing at his sandwich.

“Oh yes! This is nothing.” he says chuckling and biting it. I cast a glance at Serenity and find her rolling her eyes. I drink some juice and check the time at the wall clock which is striking twelve. I’m going to be so late! I hurriedly fetch the spare key and hand it to her.

“Here is your key. You make yourself at home.” I say heading to the door.

“Where are you going?” she asks after me. “I don’t mean to pry but since I’m new here I could come along and get to know the place a little.”

“I’m going to buy some groceries and stuffs.” I state.

“Great! I need to buy some too. Let’s go.” she says pulling Jason out of the counter just when he was about to take a last bite of his hoagie.

Before I could say anything, they both bolt out the door afore me as if the house is on fire. I confusedly slip out after them.