Something Between Red And Violet by Rahee De - HTML preview

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Chapter Five

Parking my car in front of the grocery store I remain seated for a while and admire my old black, single cab, short bed; Chevy that I put back together myself at Joey’s and bought it myself from him. This baby runs smoothly. I instinctively smile and get out of the car. Jason and Serenity both excuse themselves to go to the computer store across the street.

I get inside the supermarket and start rummaging through the shelves for the things I need. Picking up everything I make my way to the counter. The guy behind the counter seems to be going through a phase when you go all Emo with aberrant hairstyles and tons of piercings. I give him my stuffs; he looks up and his eyes light up and a smirk tug up at the corner of his lips. I look at him confused and finally realize that he’s looking behind me. I turn around and see what he sees. It’s Serenity standing in front of a shelf turning her back towards us and the guy’s checking out her butt. I turn to the guy shooting him daggers through my eyes and clear my throat to get him out of his reverie. He gives me a nervous smile and starts calculating the items.

“here.” she says placing her stuffs on the counter. I smile at her. God! She’s breathtaking.

Get a grip Dom! She’s only a girl; a very very beautiful girl.

Got everything you need?”

“Yeah. For now, yes.” She replies grinning.

She’s probably the most attractive woman I have come athwart in twenty one years of my life. She has a certain aura which works as a magnet. She’s intimidating yet alluring. Her skin is pale beyond belief yet it glows almost an unearthly glow.

She snaps her fingers in front of my face making me realize that I’m recurrently staring at her. “Did you hear what I said?” she asks.

“Um..No. Could you repeat it?” I ask abashedly.

“I asked whether you would like to go to the coffee shop across the street” she bids raising one delicate brow.

“Uh..yeah we could do that.” I utter awkwardly “Fantastic. Let’s go!” she says gleefully.

Did she just ask me out? Duh! It’s only a cup of coffee; not a date. But did she really?

“Hello..! You coming or not?” she asks walking past me looking bored. Gee! I again zoned out. What?

Am I a thirteen year old or something?

Yeah yeah.. right behind you.”

I say collecting our stuffs from the counter and walking out the store leaving the counter guy open mouthed.