Sound of Solitude by Vrajesh Dave - HTML preview

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Shakina and Murthi were in the cabin of  Police Commissioner, Mumbai. They explained all in brief to him. Commissioner thought for a while and asked, ”So you want to reopen the case of PI Rana?”

“Sir, We want justice for PI Rana. The killer is identified, the evidences are there. Then…” Shakina said.

“But, it is hard to reopen the closed case. Moreover more than 19 years passed. It is not so easy.” Commissioner argued.

“Not easy but not impossible too. We must try.” Murthi urged.

“Let me see, what can I do?”

Shakina and Murthi left the office. 


“Let’s have some snacks.” Shakina offered Murthi  and entered into Canteen.  Murthi smelled that someone was following them. He left the unfinished dish and rushed out, Shakina followed him.

Murthi kicked his motorbike and Shakina took the seat behind him. The bike was on the road to the police station.

They reached at the police station and locked themselves into the cabin.

“What is the matter, Murthi?” Shakina asked.

“Aware of Police commissioner. Someone is following us.”

“That means Amaya is in danger.”

“Yes, of course. Contact her and shift her to safer place. One more thing, Commissioner is not interested in reopening the case. So beware of him too.” Murthi was vigil.

“But he is our Boss and we can’t move a step further until he permit us.” Shakina warned.

“That would be dealt later. First think about Amaya.”

“You are right.” Shakina said and rushed out of the police station. She rushed to the Hotel and shifted Amaya to safer place at her friend’s house, at remote place.

Murthi watched the video again and identified the killer. He  was Sanjay, the famous Bollywood musician.

Murthi murmured the song.. words have lives, words have breaths … He searched on his smart phone and found that the music for that song was given by Sanjay. Sanjay had steal the tune from the youngsters. He was sure that the killer was Sanjay. The motive was clear- Professional rivalry.

Everything was clear, everything was in front of him. Even though, he was helpless. He couldn’t move a step without the help of commissioner.


“Murthi, Amaya is now safe.”

“Sis, that’s good. Now wait for the proper time.”

“One more thing to do. Use our secret sources and deploy someone to follow Sanjay. I doubt that Commissioner had informed him and he may leave the country. If he leaves, we can do nothing. One more time he would be escaped.” Shakina said.

“Very good.” Murthi called someone and instructed,” Keep eyes on Sanjay. It is an operation named ‘Ayama.”

“What is Ayama? It is Amaya.” Shakina corrected him.

“No sis, Ayama is correct. Read Amaya from left to right.’

“Oh great. Operation Ayama.”

“What next to do?” Murthi asked. Shakina was totally confused. She couldn’t find the way to reopen the case,” If time is passing, it would be too late and Amaya have to leave the country. If Amaya is out of the country, then nothing could be done. What we have to do, do it fast.”

Murthi nodded. He was thinking on the same line but was not sure about the next action.

“Murthi, it is not a coincidence while I think about all the sequences. The soul of Maya craves for the justice. There is a reason behind Amaya’s visit to India and beach and cave. All other forces are not supporting in this direction, so we must think in other direction. We should leave all normal forces and take the help of paranormal forces.”

“Yes, yes. We may think on that direction. What could be done?”

“I know one lady who claims that she can connect to the souls and talk with souls.”

“Who is she? Where is she?”

“She lives in a village near to Mumbai. Her name is Gurmeet Kaur.”

“Have you ever meet her?”

“Yes, twice. I am sure she could help us.”

“Then contact her and arrange a meeting. “

Shakina used her contacts and could connect to Gurmeet Kaur. She agreed and the meeting was fixed in the night.


“Amaya. We believe that you are reborn as Amaya. But you were Maya in your previous life. And you were killed along with three musicians and PI Rana. You are the soul of Maya.” Shakina explained.

“You mean reborn of the soul? I don’t believe in such things.” Amaya said.

“I am not against your beliefs. I just want to think over the sequences of the incidents happened. It has some reasons, some purposes.”

“But I am not with you. I have just one request that close my file and allow me to leave.”

“The file can’t be closed.”

“Why? I have registered my statement.” Amaya said.

“Your statement, yes, your statement is the reason to keep open your file. You said about the killings of five person in front of your eyes. But, in actual it was not happened at all at that time but it was happened 22 years back. Do you still believe that it was happened in your presence, last night?”

“Yes, I strongly believe the same. And it was recorded too.”

“Yes, it was recorded in your mobile and we watched it. You must watch it.”

Shakina and Amaya watched the video. Shakina watched the expression on Amaya’s face and found that she was disturbed. At the end she cried loudly. Shakina allowed her to cry.

“Take it, Amaya.” Shakina offered her a glass of water, Amaya sipped it, turned normal.

Shakina looked at her with asking face. She kept silence but her eyes was asking many questions to Amaya.

Amaya read the questions, understood them and said,” I understand that and I am ready to cooperate. It would be my pleasure to help in justice to Maya and her friends. I accept that there is a reason, there is a purpose of my arrival in Mumbai. But, I not want to indulge any trouble. Please take care of me.” Amaya said. Shakina assured her safety.
