Sound of Solitude by Vrajesh Dave - HTML preview

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Shakina was busy with police arrangements for some political events, throughout the day. In the evening, at 7.12 she arrived at her cabin. Mr. Murthi was already there, waiting for her with a case file of PI Rana and four others.

“Where were you?” Murthi asked, though he was aware of her duty at political event.

“Why are you teasing me? You know that I was on duty for political event, which I hate the most.”

“I know it.” Murthi laughed.

“Where is my …’

“Sis, it is here.” Murthi handed over the file,” All you want is in this file.”

“Oh, great. You have done it.” Shakina smiled in thanks.

“Any other breakthrough in this case?”

“Yes, it is there. Amaya’s mobile was found, it was with Mr. Vinod, the …”

“Where is it? Show it me.” Murthi was eager.

“The mobile is there.” Shakina pointed at the corner,” Which is damaged badly. It is of no use.”

“Then what’s the breakthrough?”

“One memory card found and is intact. It is not damaged.”

“What you found in it?”

“Nothing yet.”

“Then?” Murthi was confused.

“I was about to watch the videos in the morning, I received a call from commissioner and deployed for the political event. So I couldn’t check the files on the memory card.”

“Then let’s watch it together.” Murthi suggested.

“Firstly, let me go through the file named PI Rana and four others.” Shakina grab the file and started reading all the papers.

The first paper was with a date, 19 years back. with a remark ‘the case is closed in the absence of sufficient evidences.’

She studied all the papers, closed the file and looked at Murthi. He was still there and watching al the expressions on the face of Shakina while she was reading the file.

“It’s interesting. A Police Inspector was found shot dead and the case was closed with remarks – in the absence of sufficient evidences.” Shakina said.

“It’s not interesting, rather it is strange, it is weird. I smell some conspiracy in that.”

“May be. But it is ashamed of police department that a killer dare to kill a police inspector and couldn’t punished.”

“Corruptions, madam corruptions. That killer must be punished or encountered.” Murthi was in anger.

“More interesting thing is that, there were four others who also shot dead. And the place of murder is the cave at the beach. Oh yes… Amaya was telling the same thing. Oh my god!.” Shakina jumped from her chair.

“What happened?”

“Shakina told in her statement that PI Rana was shot dead with four musicians. And this file of PI Rana is also stating that four young musicians were killed with PI Rana. What a coincidence? She was telling exactly the same sequence of events as mentioned in this file.”

“How is it possible?”

“That’s the point. There is something between this case and Amaya. There is some link, there is something… but what is that something?” Shakina was in deep thought.

“What are the names of four others? What are the details of all of them?” Murthi diverted the discussions.

Shakina re-looked all the papers and said,” they are Smit, Peter, Manoj, and Maya. They all were musicians . they were practicing their music in the cave, and found shot dead in the early morning. The key board, the guitar, the tabla and the flute were found along with their bodies. They all were in their twenties. It was said that they were signed for music for, one Bollywood film.”

“Oh, very interesting. But how can we proceed further in this case? A case is closed 19 years back.”Murthi showed his concern.

“There is a provision to reopen any case if sufficient evidences found, on later dates.”

“But, we have no evidence at all.”

Shakina remained silent for some moments. Murthi followed. Shakina received a call from the hotel Sea Mount on her cell,” Hello, Shakina hear.”

“Madam, Amaya wants to walk out of Hotel, is she permitted?”

“Where she want to go?”

“Please talk to her, she is on line.”

“Sure.” Shakina waited for Amaya to come on line,” Yes, Amaya. Where do you want to walk?”

“Just out of the Hotel. I am getting bored.”

“How is your health? Are you ok?”

“Yes madam, I am fine.”

“You are permitted but you have to surrender your passport to the Hotel.”

“No problem at all.” Amaya agreed.

“Then put me to Miss Bindu.”


“Miss Bindu, you may allow her to walk out subject to surrender her passport to Hotel, in original. And it is your responsibility to gather the passport and keep it with you till further instructions.”

“Rest assured. I understand my job.”

“That’s better.” Shakina disconnected her cell and starred at her mobile with absent mind. Some messages flashed on her cell. She read and deleted. She received some video messages too. She opened it and watched.

“Sis, what are you watching?”

“Videos just received.”

“We must watch the videos on Amaya’s memory card.”

“Oh yes, how could we forget that?” Shakina closed all videos and opened the video folder on Amaya’s card.

They found latest recorded video, with today’s date and time at 4.04 am. Shakina selected that and watched with passion, in anticipation.

The video was showing four musicians were playing the melody. It was beautiful melody of Bollywood song. One boy was on key board, one was on Guitar, another one was on tabla and a young girl was on flute.

“Stop, stop the video and go back.” Murthi cried.

Shakina went back and played it again. they watched it again.

“Pause it now.”

Shakina followed him.

“Do you remember this song tune. What a sweet tune! Try to recollect that song.” Murthi suggested. Shakina and Murthi were on that melodious song.

“Yes, I found it. it was – words have lives, words have breaths…. A famous song from the film solitude.” Murthi identified the song.

“Then what?” Shakina asked.

“Just note this. It would give some clue. Let’s watch further.”

Shakina played it. They kept watching.

“Stop again.”

Video stopped.

“Look at all the four youngsters in the video and try to match them with this file.”

They checked all the photos of the file with those of video.

“Oh my God, how is it possible?”

“Yes, all are matching with our record. They are exactly same.” Shakina and Murthi were assured about the identity of the victims. They were surprised but happy. They got another clue.

“May I play further?” Shakina asked.

Murthi was looking at the girl’s photo.

“Hey Bro, don’t look at her. I know she is beautiful, but she is dead.” Shakina interrupted him.

“Not a matter. I know she is dead. But one more interesting point I found. She is not dead. Maya is still alive.”

“Are you mad? She was shot dead 22 years back. All evidences are in this file. How can you say that she is alive?” Shakina looked at him with weird eyes.

“Concentrate at this photo, at that girl on this video with due attention. It has something. It speaks something.”

“What is that?”Shakina relooked them,” Oh … it’s strange. It’s impossible.”

“Yes, it’s impossible, but true.”

“Maya is looking like that Japanese girl, Amaya.”

“Yes, she is looking exactly same. Maya is Amaya ….”

“No, Amaya was Maya.”

“Maya… Amaya…See the names. They are almost same. Maya is common in both the names.”

“You mean there is something common in both, Maya and Amaya. What’s it?” Shakina asked.

“That we have to find out.”

“Let’s finish this video first.” Shakina suggested. Murthi refused,” Not now, First find out the link between Maya and Amaya.”

Murthi opened both the files- Amaya’s file and PI Rana’s file. He noted something on paper, closed the files and looked at Shakina. She was eagerly watching at him.

“It’s interesting mystery. every moment, a new …”

“Come to the point, Murthi.”

“I noted some points and found that-

1] there is a strong link between Maya and Amaya.

2] The date of murder of Maya and date of birth of Amaya is the same.

3] The Names are almost same.

4] Faces of both are similar.

5] Both love music and perform the music.

6] Both can play flute.

7] Both love sea and beach.”

“That may be coincidence.”

“But, one thing is noticeable. The flight from Hong Kong to Doha Qatar had no route to stop at Mumbai. The flight compelled to land at Mumbai to take the fuel. It never happens that an international flight  goes out of fuel on its route before it reaches to the destination. Amaya arrived to Mumbai, Walked to the beach at late night, reached to the cave where Maya and others killed, at the time of murder, she could record the whole incident which was happened 22 years back. It has some purpose. It has some link.”

“Yes, we never found such in the past.”

“Means Maya reborn as Amaya. She was sent by supernatural power to solve the mystery …”

“So you believe in the souls, good souls and bad souls, you believe in the rebirth of souls…?” Shakina asked.

“It is not the point of believing or not. The point is that,  the unsolved mystery since 22 years is going to be solved. PI Rana’s soul wants justice. The soul of Maya and all are waiting for the justice. Think for justice, think for Maya, think for Amaya. Think for PI Rana, our own officer.” Murthi was emotional.

 They finished video and have all evidences with them.
