Sound of Solitude by Vrajesh Dave - HTML preview

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Amaya reached at the sea. The sea welcomed her with a big wave. It rushed to the shore and showered on Amaya. She got wet, fully, with the salty shower of the sea. She accepted it as blessing from the sea. She smiled at sea. The sea replied with shower of another big wave. She was wet again.

She desired to bath in the sea. She looked around. No one was there. She acted on her desire.

She removed her top and skirt, put them on the sand. She was in bra and panty. A cold breeze passed through. The wind touched each and every curves of her half naked body. She shivered little, with cold. Her body felt the current, which she liked. The wind went naughty. Another breeze came and touched her. The wind started to tease her, romantically. The wind was playing with her body. the wind was sexy. She enjoyed it.

Amaya removed her panty first and then the bra. Two tiny hills jumped out. The brown top of those hills rose tightly in passion. She left her clothes on the sand and rushed in to the waves of the sea. The sea was on full tide. The waves were on their full height.

She stepped into the sea. Waves showered her. She moved further deep in the sea. The sea was covering her body gradually. Her calves were in the sea. She moved further deep. Her knees then thighs were in the water. The sea then touched her  waist-line, sinking the waist within it.

The water crossed her stomach and reached to her breasts. The sea was between two hills. She moved deep, further. The sea covered both the hills. Her breasts engrossed in the sea. She moved deeper, the water covered her shoulders and then touched her neck.

Amaya stopped. Stood there. Moved her arms up in the air, stretched her body, relaxed. She moved her eyes around the sea. The solitude was prevailing there too. No one was there except she and her sea. The sea was waving, touching the shore and coming back.

Amaya waved her arms and did swim with the waves. She felt warm and fresh. She exhausted after the swim for 26 minutes. She stopped at some point within sea. 

She found the shore at the distance of more than 300 feet.

She looked at her clothes, which were still lying on the same place.

She glanced around in the sea, everywhere the sea was there. Waves were rushing to the shore, generating the voice. The voice was turned in to a rhythm. Sound of each wave was generating a music. A beautiful music,  a sweet music. It was rather a melody. 

Amaya left the sea and reached at the shore. She collapsed on the shore as she was exhausted. Every wave was touching her and merging back in to the sea. She allowed them.

Some foam rested on her body. She touched the foam, it disappeared. Some more foam touched her body. She could grab one of them. She looked at the piece of foam. It was white and was looking more white under the moonlight. She grabbed another one on her palm, observed it from all corner and then blew off it away. The foam travelled like a balloon for some inches and dissolved in the sand. She did it again and again. She enjoyed it with fun.

Amaya gazed around. The beauty of the sea under moonlight was spread everywhere. She focused on each corner of the sea. She found every frame, every scene was attractive, fascinating and eternal. Every frame was inviting her to capture and imprison in her mind, heart and soul. She tried to capture as many as frames in her heart, but every new frame replaces the old one. Her heart couldn’t store every frame. She decided to capture them in her mobile camera and store them forever.

Amaya moved to the clothes. Her clothes were still there. They were just more wet.  The mobile and the flute were also there as they were.

Amaya picked up the mobile and started shooting of the sea under moonlight, frame by frame. She clicked innumerable shots in her mobile.

Amaya shot some videos too. She wanted to capture the waves as well as its sounds. She could do it.  during the shootings, she forgot that she was alone on the beach, there was a late night and she was naked. She moved here and there while shooting. She was far away from the place where she put her clothes. She rushed to that place.

After satisfying herself with camera shoot, she sat on the shore. She remained silent for some moments. She could hear the voice of waves and wind. Her heart was in joy due to melodious sound. She concentrated on the sound of wind and waves. She could separate them from each other. She liked it, smiled on her discovery. 

Amaya closed her eyes, everything disappeared from her sight. The only thing touching her was a sound of waves and wind. She felt that the sea was telling something to her. The sea wanted to talk to her. She focused on the sound of sea. It was pointing her to something. She tried to catch the indication of the sea. Slowly, slowly she found that the sea was inviting her to play some music in resonance to the sounds she was listening. She ignored such invitation and remained calm, listening the sound without interruption.  The sea invited her again, she ignored again. She kept ignoring the invitation as she wanted to dissolve herself in the sound of sea, in the sound of wind.

But the wind and the sea had a different plan. They played their game.

A wind blew from shore to sea with intensity. It took Amaya’s clothes to the sea and a wave came from the sea grabbed her clothes. The wave dragged her top to the sea while merging in the sea. She looked that but ignored. The second wave dragged her bra and skirt, too. The another one dragged her panty. She ignored again. She allowed the sea to drag all her clothes.

She was still naked. She remained neutral. She was well aware that she was naked and she needed some clothes to wrap her body as she was on foreign land.  The absence of clothes could drag her to trouble. Still she allowed the sea to drag her clothes as she was confident that sea never keep anything within her and her clothes too would come back to the shore. She kept enjoying the sounds and scenes of the wind and the waves. Both of them were eternal and beautiful.

One more wave arrived to the shore and touched the flute. Flute moved some inches from its original place. Another wave with more intensity rushed to the shore towards flute. Amaya envisaged that, that wave would surely drawn the flute inside. She rushed at once and snatch the flute from the mouth of wave. She came in action and jumped into the sea. She collected her clothes except her bra, pulled them to the shore. She put them at safe distance and again sat on her knees on the shore to feel the sound of waves and wind. The flute was in her hand. The sound invited her again, this time she couldn’t resist.

She took the flute in her left hand, put it on left side of her lips, put right hand fingers on the wholes and blew some air with her lips. The flute turned alive. It generated some tune and then rhythm.

Amaya set the tune in resonance with the sound of the wind and the waves, and played it on flute. The tune spread over the sea. The sea was happy with that music. Her waves were in joy. They were running to the shore very gently. They were touching the shore obediently. The naughty baby turned calm and cool. That was the power of her flute’s music. It looked like the sea surrendered to Amaya. The sea was under her feet.

The sea changed her pace and passion. Her waves followed the tone of flute. It was rising while the flute played ascending notes and falling while descending notes. Amaya played a long note and the wave rose high and remained in the air till the flute ended that note. The waves remained flat while flute played flat notes. All the rise and falls of the waves of the sea was following the notes of flute.

It was a confluence of flute, waves of the sea and the wind. The sand, the sky, the stars, the horizons, the moon and the moonlight; all were following the tune of the flute. The flute was in total command at that moments. The great concert amongst them was prevailing.

Suddenly the sea started playing different tune. Amaya noted the difference and tried to manage and cop up with her tune but the sea played unknown notes, played shrill sounds, the wind followed it, the moonlight turned dim, the moon was losing her shine. All the resonance were disturbed and the sounds from each were different. Amaya couldn’t follow their notes as the notes were unknown, notes were unmusical, unmelodious. Amaya stopped playing the flute. Looked at the sea, at the sand, at the sky, at the moon and at the stars and moonlight. She observed that the sea was in unrest or more quivering. the sea was not staying at one place. All were in anxiety, all were restless. God knows, what was the reason for them being itchy. Amaya couldn’t find it nor understood the changed situation.

Amaya stood and walked near to the waves, a big wave came and attacked on her. She turned wet. She found that one fish, travelled with that wave, was on her breast. The fish was very tiny and was struggling out of water. The fish was on the slope of her right hill near nipple. She observed it’s struggle, grabbed it in her hand and threw it back in to the sea. She anticipated that the fish was safe in the water.

Another wave arrived with more power and attacked on her. It’s splash touched her full body from hair to nail. Her flute along with her body got wet. Amaya got angry at sea. She took some steps back and rebuked the sea for her naughty behavior. She looked at the flute, it was wet. Some drops of water was in the holes. She hold the flute in her right hand and jerked with all power till all the drops of water cane out of the flute. The flute turned dry.

She put the flute on her lips, blew some air into it. The flute responded and played music. The music so played was not in proper tune. The sounds coming out of the flute were broken and dull. Her flute was damaged. She kept trying to get correct tune out of the flute. After few attempts, she could play the flute in its original tune. She played a tune of anger and unhappiness to rebuke the sea for her acts. But sea was still in different mood. Her waves were behaving differently.

Amaya tried to understand the changed behavior of the sea. She heard from her mother that whenever the nature changes her behavior, she gives some indications about the moments to come.

Oh my god! Is these all indications about something to be happened? She checked the time on her mobile, it was 3.41 am. The night travelled too much, almost at the door of  the dawn to arrive in the horizons, very soon. I must leave for hotel.