Sound of Solitude by Vrajesh Dave - HTML preview

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Amaya put the flute on her lips to play the tone to say thanks and goodbye to the sea.  She played a tune of happiness. The sea and the wind responded to it. She played it for few minutes and stopped. She bow to the sea in thanks and gratitude. 

While Amaya bent to collect her clothes from the sand,  her ears caught the sound of some musical melody, other than the sound of waves and winds. She paused to concentrate on that sounds. The sound was not from one instrument but was mixed up of guitar, flute, table and key board. She could identify them all separately. She concluded, after thorough analysis, that there must be a band of at least 4 people.

Amaya stood on her feet, put the panty and top, without bra and skirt which were still in the bosom of the sea. She looked around to find the band of music. The band must be around, but couldn’t found any one around her. She concentrated on the music to get the direction of its origin. She concluded that the sound was coming from the right of her, that is, from south direction.

Amaya followed the direction of the sound. The mobile was in her right hand while flute was in her left hand. She kept walking to the direction. After 400 meters, she was near to the rocks and caves on the shore.

The sounds were coming from those caves. She followed. The musical sound was clear and loud. She moved closer to the caves. Sounds were more loud. She walked further and reached at the entrance of the caves. There were five caves at the shore of the sea. She entered into the first cave. No one was there. She moved to second cave, no one was there either. She crossed third and fourth. They too were empty. The sound was still coming across the caves.

After fourth cave, there was some sand, she crossed it and reached to the fifth and final cave. The sound was coming from the same cave, she concluded. She moved to the cave. She was on the face of the cave. One bird came out from the cave and passed touching her hair. An air, with coral scent, rushed in to her nose. The fragrance was wet. She liked it. Still there was no one there but sound was coming from the deep of the cave.

Amaya looked around. The cave was around 250 meter away from the main road. There was a narrow track between the cave and the road. No one was around, she was all alone there.

Amaya glanced at the cave. It was wide open, big and deep. The sea water was encroaching the cave from its left side. There was dark inside. The moonlight was not able to enter into the cave. Amaya used the light of her mobile and walked deeper inside towards the sounds and music. The air was getting more and more coral. It was much more intense. She was vigil and hence walking very slowly and step by step.

Amaya crossed around 150 feet inside the cave. Still no one was at her sight. The cave and the track was empty. Still the sound was coming out from the cave.

Let me stop here and concentrate on the music. She talked herself.

Amaya stopped, stood at one corner and focused on the sounds, music, the rhythm and the tune. She was attentive to listen the music. She concentrated on each note of the music. She found that the tune was known to her, the melody, the rhythm … all was known to her. It was not just known to her, but she was able to play the same tune on her flute. She found that the same tune was created by her. Each note was exactly same to her creation.

She surprised! The tune she created while she was in the flight was not known to anyone except her. She never shared it with anyone. The music coming from the cave was the same.

Who was playing the same music? Who stole her creation? How did it reach to them? How is it possible that some stranger could play her tune, exactly in same notes? She was amazed, she was astonished, she was shocked!

Whatever happening was beyond her sense. She never encountered such a situation. She was disturbed, she was frightened. She closed her eyes and stood indecisive. She was in thought.

 Should I move further? Or quit? Or keep quiet till the sunrise? Or escape from here? Runaway from here?

She was in struggle with her own mind, with her own thoughts. She couldn’t conclude. She remained in the same state for some moments. Suddenly the music stopped. No sound was coming from the cave nor any music nor any tune nor any rhythm. Everything was quiet, everything was silent. She opened her eyes. Amaya missed some heart beats. She took deep breath and attempted to gather herself.

While she was fighting with her own, the sound and music started a fresh. The new tune was in the air. She focused on the new tune. The tune was never heard by her. But was very sweet and melodious. She liked it. She wanted to play that on her flute. She searched for her flute. She found it in her palms only.

She put it on her lips and was about to play it, her mind asked her, “ What are you doing?”

“I am going to play the flute.”

“No, you are going to invite trouble for yourself.”

“How? I don’t think so.”

“It is dangerous to play here… you have no idea that who are playing such a tune, who are they? Are you feel that you are safe? Don’t invite unnecessary problem. Escape from here. Run away… go… fast…”

Amaya took a pause. Gathered all courage and ordered her subconscious mind,” Don’t lead me to the fear. I am going to play the music. The music never leads to any problem.”

She put the flute on her lips, again and started playing it. Her tune was in resonance with the tune which was playing inside the cave. She was playing and moving to the deeper part of the cave.