The Conservative Kingdom - Diary of The Civilian by Samuel Kebede - HTML preview

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Chapter 7. The story of the world

Once upon a time, there lived a person who explored the land with his delightful woman friend (Payton Silver), in the woods of nowhere, unnamed and uninhabited. He jumped over the waters in the woods, climbed over edges as she followed and ran into an ancient sword that looked modern and rusty. It was on a beach and the sword-like item was very long, it was sturdy but looked usable. Upon inspecting the item, they deemed it unimportant and decided to go on their way but while skipping upon sandy hills in the thickly wooded green forest, the waters looked unsettled. The waters looked murky with mud and the land looked uninhabitable. Another male person comes into view (Sean), and the two seem to know each other. The woman favored her man originally, and they started to make out, the original male decided to share while they were kissing, yet she also started making out with the other male upon instruction by the first.

Soon enough, things got steamy and she took her pants off, and they started engaging in sexual intercourse. Upon inspection, the first male realized the woman started favoring the second one.

There was no more place to host the woman and she grew fonder of the second. Considering there was no place to go, the first one left insearch of another he could host.

Soon enough, the first one took to the skies like an eagle. He started inhabiting all of the air but soon war broke out. The second male has dominated over the land. He had taken over the woman and she had borne him sons. His sons and him had taken over the land and the waters and they spent all their time hunting the first male. The first male upon realization, started taking over inhabited areas, like the snowy owl, he inhabited siberia. Like the dark owls, he started taking over the darkness and hunting in the silence of the night. The second male spent all his time hunting the first male. Soon enough, he started running out of resources to hunt the first 22

male. The first male had no woman to reproduce with but in the skies, he had become immortal.

He could never die. The second male's sons and daughters soon started dying by large numbers hunting the first male and the uninhabitable lands he had been hosting. Deep darkness, and snowy hills, and mountains became the end of the second males species. In time, their numbers dwindling in numbers, the first male started closing off the borders of the inhabitable lands and the sons of the daughters of the second male could no longer reach him and they all died.

Finally, there was only the second male left. The woman had died and there were no more resources for him to fight one. The first male watched as the second male died as the last of his own species, he then proceeded to take over the same land the second male had originally stolen though his desire. Upon hosting the land, he took a name for himself and he was known as God, the first and the last, the beginning and the ending. He then proceeded to speak from his mouth,

" let us make man in our own image" from which he created the first man, and out of the rib of the man, a woman. There and then began life as it was, and the rest is history.