The Conservative Kingdom - Diary of The Civilian by Samuel Kebede - HTML preview

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Chapter 9 - The religions I have explored

All in all, there isn't a religion that I haven't explored.I have been all around the world searching for meaning and although I have spent my time searching for conclusiveness, I still have yet to find any one particular one. At the end of the day, when you address any kind of religion, you have to put it along with the rest of them and say the thing in itself is a religion and it will be the common understanding of the nation which then brings about the conclusiveness of it. You can make a lot of arguments in defense or for any religion. They come in different forms and they also come in many languages. Religions have this in common, they all exist to find a deity that is worshiped. All religions have worship. All religions have a language. In order to understand a religion you first have to dive into it to grasp a common understanding of the material itself. Most religions have a manuscript you can get or have access to on their websites.

If you enter the world wide web and search for any country you want, the nation likely has a church they put their time and effort into. Most of the nation's laws are likely written as a result of the country's religious leaders. The countries will let the leaders advocate for the individual's right to do what they like but they tend to be aggressive when they enforce the collective governing laws. One of the main religions that has fascinated me the most up to this point is hinduism.

I have explored Hinduism limit. The hindu’s believe that there are three central gods to their religion beyond the other ones. Their names are Shiva, Brahma and Vishnu. These gods are unique to the religion and do not go towards all the others. I spent a lot of my time getting to know them for the past 29 years. They are mostly worshiped individually. Shive is a bright god.

There is no darkness in the room. Shiva tends to be broad and often appears in the feminine 26

form. For this conversation's sake, I will refer to her as a she and tell the tales of my adventures with her. She is quite unique in a sense, she doesn't mind the language you speak. She will comfort you there and tell you what she wants without the need to separate you from your mates.

She appeared to be mystical to me, someone you can make a friend of, someone you can talk to in the long run. I want to say a lot of things about her beauty yet the fact of the matter changes since everyone who worships Shiva tends to start looking like the goddess herself. Shiva is much like exercising or working out. You first find an image that you like and want to be, like an image of an actor. In likeness, there are other humans that are looking at the same exact image, and working towards achieving the same kind of physical features. The spirit of Shiva will lie in the person that worships her the most. The more you worship, the more you tend to take the shape of the goddess, sound like the goddess, look like the goddess and be like the goddess. You will also start to inherit the property that she has. Your riches and wealth tend to be the kind of property that will keep her in your house along with the people you hang out with.

The second hindu god is Vishnu. Vishnu in the inclusive moment is more like the god of gold. I can’t particularly pinpoint the moment I encountered the god but it tends to appeal to a lot of people who are beautiful. People who worship Vishnu likely amassed their wealth through a lifetime of worship and if you were to remove one singular item from their house, you can likely tell where it came from. People who worship Vishnu are likely really handsome, very beautiful and wealthy because the nature of the worship tends to remove beliefs that you have held to be wrong or right for a long time. In order to accept the religion, you first have to challenge the conception or an idea you believe to be solid in your mind, an idea that you think you will never change. The people in themselves advocate for the god because they tend to become really rich as a result of their actions. They convert others who follow in their ways, mostly through the 27

internet and they continue until the home is set for the god to make it the permanent home.

People who worship the god do not have a lack for anything other than zealous followers who will do whatever is required from the practitioners themselves. The availability of wealth or the reality that you will be just as rich sets in rather quickly, even if you do not come to the realization while standing in the area where you live. You cannot freely speak about the worshippers of Vishnu because you will expose their worship. According to the constitution of most countries, you are prohibited from preventing humans from their right to practice any religion they want. Religious freedom although prevalent, preventing them can be an option available to any one who studies religion and in many cases ends up in violence.

The last god hindu’s worship as their god is Brahma. Brahma tends to be masculine in nature and he himself centers around sexual desires. The objective of all sex should be reproduction, nevertheless, the objective of all Brahma worship is motivation. The kind of motivation you get from the sex is often quite great and will meet the expectation but tends to avoid the main concept of sex itself. The worship of Brahma is your girlfriend that comes to you and says, “baby, if you manage to go to work today and deal with the Sutton case, I will reward you with any sexual option you like”, if you are a lawyer. If you are a doctor, it’s the wife that comes to you early in the morning, wakes you up, gets on top of you and whispers “sweety, before the surgery you are about to do to day, let me give you a little something, a sexual motive, you are not familiar with so it can give you the drive you need to finish the job promptly and return to me”. The sexual acts do not have to be ile in nature but they are the central requirements for the religion because that is what you call Brahma, the agreement itself since you are making a sexual bond on behalf of the god himself. Most often not, the people who practice the religion do not know that they are practicing it. Over time, the objective tends to be 28

exactly the same since you build a house around the matter. Human beings who worship Brahma tend to be really strong. They do not lean towards riches since they can force the need they have or the persuasion if seen as an objective using overwhelming force. Whatever the bond agreement is, when enforced with the religion, has a sweet taste to it’s accomplishment since the success rate of will be way over 90%. In all my exploration of the Hindu religion, I favored Brahma since it appealed to me the most. When I woke up early in the morning, my strength dwelt with me, and my youth never left my side. I liked the practice more than the other two because riches were not my forte nor attraction to a beautiful woman since they needed all of my attention. Worship of Brahma requires all your personal attention since the agreement has to do with you and the job that you have. You excel in religion when it reaches pride. Pride in your strength, pride in your bonds and the success rate of your ability.

All religions have a failing point. I do not think if there is a God out there he will judge people based on the religion they practiced but much more the innocence of their strive, a push solely based on real faith that what they are doing is well and good. Secondly, they are seeking to achieve the objective of their religion without a matter of evasion, using every drop of resource they have. Hinduism is unique and I explored it mainly because it appeals to poor people. They come from the furthest reaches of the planet in search of truth. They tend to not give up. Most abandon their faith because they do not have the strength to carry on. When the bones grow weaker, they go to a place where there is no more knowledge.