I am not a huge fan of Kings. Primarily because there are a lot of Kingdoms in the world.
There are over 200 countries in the world and everyone of them have rulers governing the state.
Although monarchies are not prominent in the world, countries are ruled by Prime Ministers and Presidents just as much as they are governed by Kings just as well. Almost every domain has a King. As for the bible, it is governed by the Kingdom of Heaven, and the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of Heaven is where Jesus is the ruler. The heavens are the skies that we look above.
They are the clouds that we look at. They are the blue skies that we look towards. The heavens are the spheres above us where the ozone lays. The heavens are the stars and the planets. The heavens are the constellations. They go up levels until you reach “the throne of God'', and that is where the Kingdom of God begins. The kingdom of God is all of creation. They are different in a sense after the heavens were created, a body was made to rule the heavens. The heavens are the relative surfaces and the governor who himself is God is the King of the heavens whose body was made after. He existed before and exists after just like he exists now. This is the philosophy of all Kingdoms under the heavens.
The prominent one at the moment is the Kingdom of the Sky which is the American Empire. Although the United States is not able to rule over the heavens, their military capacity can enable them to rule over the skies by being the baddest fliers on the planet. The sigil of the United States much like the early Roman Empire of Augustus Octavian Caesar is the Eagle.
They have taken over the skies and they are the utmost ruler of all the Skies. The United States military is the deadliest military in the skies and the rulers are the of the Constitutional Republic of The United States. The only way the United States has sovereignty is when the country returns 8
normally back to being a Republic. Whenever the United States is a democracy, or the elected leader is a democratic president, the country has no sovereignty. The borders of the country are no longer protected and the military personnel are pulled back to the center to protect the representatives. This is why you have so many illegal immigrants entering the country.
Much the same way, there is the Kingdom of Darkness which is ruled by Lucifer, Satan or the devil. All kingdoms are ruled by rulers. You see him everywhere . The Kingdom of darkness is wherever there is no law. The Kingdom of Darkness is wherever there are people willing to defile the law of the land to make whatever they want happen in the world. You see it when someone murders and hides the body somewhere. The whole country goes everywhere looking for the humans that are dead. Some strive to find their bodies in containers, some strive to find their bodies in their homes but the correct answer for all is in the darkness. Whenever you keep a secret, you see someone driving across a red light and do not want to tell anyone, you keep that secret looked up in your mind, somewhere in the darkness no one will ever look. When you steal money from your mates, or when you have done something evil, such as lying on your job application, you keep that secret locked up in a place where no one will find it, in the darkness.
There are so many kingdoms. Some others are the Animal Kingdom and the Plant Kingdom. You can read about them in so many journals and find amazing information about them in research facilities. The point I am arriving at here is, every Kingdom has a ruler.
Whatever and whichever Kingdom has a ruler in it. Out of all the rulers, they share a common trait. All Kings protect their domains. All Kings have armies. There is nothing more scary than Kings and their armies protecting their domain. You can sit wherever you are and name whatever King you like, they tend to avenge their kind till death comes to your door. Their kind are the 9
citizens that live in their domain. They are mainly the citizens of the state, sons of the King, or they are often the military leaders of the nation. Although I won’t get much into the current kings of the world, I will explain the consequences and actions of the Kings listed above to help the reader understand the fear that starts and emanates from the Kings of the world.
The fear of the Kingdom of Heavens emanates first from the domain itself. As you think about going up into the sky, there are so many layers you have to start from. The higher you go, the less oxygen there is. The higher you go, the colder it gets. The higher you go, eventually, there will be no gravity. The moment you reach the place where it gets too cold to survive, the human body is already dead. It is so easy to understand the Kingdom of Heaven. All you have to do is bring the domain itself down to the ground and test it. In order to understand the heavens, you first try by bringing the temperature of the air high above the earth to the ground.
Somewhere around the ozone, the temperatures reach below freezing easily. In order to test that Kingdom, try and survive on it for over a day with minimal clothing. Primarily, it is a threat to survival. Secondly, creating the atmosphere costs quite a fortune and lastly, testing it requires a grit that is almost impossible to manufacture. Without even accessing space to test the other heavens, all your research will be wasted and defeated for a lifetime in the first layer of the Heavens. Even before you reach space, the cold in the ozone will kill you in a matter of hours.
Jesus is terrifying because the domain is eternal. Before the Kingdom of Heaven existed, the Kingdom of God existed. The heavens are territories that are the extension of the body, that is creation itself, which is why sometimes, we refer to space as celestial bodies. The Kingdom of Heaven is the product of the Kingdom of God and the King itself sits on its throne because he is the one that made it. Primarily, the territories of the Kingdom of heaven do not end, such as the cold. Humans have existed for thousands of years on this earth and are still fighting the same 10
cold that exists on the ozone to this day. They have not found an answer for one scale of the Kingdom of heaven let alone the other surfaces. The fear emanates from the domain itself because the King rules over it. The citizens, like it or not, are the people who have learned to master the cold. Although there are many layers, people who live in the coldest reaches of the world will tell you how they manage to survive and you would not want to be them. If you want to know the fear of the heavens, harm humans like the eskimos who live in the southern continents and you will find it. Kings are scary because they will come to collect ransom for the harm committed on their citizens.
Next is the Kingdom of the Sky. It consists of the most powerful country in military power in the world at the moment, which is the United States. As long as capitalism exists, the competition for the greatest of all time will continue. Most people want to be American citizens because they want to hide behind the strength of the military might. What they do not understand is there will always be war. In order to be the best, you first have to fight to be the best. After you are the best, you protect and defend the territories to be the best using weapons of war. New territories have to be conquered and work has to be done every day, which is why the United States instead of being a country is a constant job in progress. The workers are everyday extending the domain of the sky into new reaches and grounds. The last domain to be reached is the planet mars. The domain before that is mars. The Kingdom of the Sky always has to be expanding primarily because of the increasing population, and secondly because of other threats which are good nations. Countries like Russia and Japan are neck and neck with the Kingdom, and eventually, even the name might be overtaken. What makes the King of the Kingdom of the Sky dangerous is the other nations which are a constant threat to its name. Sometimes, there is barely any time to breathe.