Lastly, it is the Kingdom of Darkness. If you think you know anything about terror, fear of dread, then you have only scratched the surface. Much like the heavens are ruled by Jesus, the darkness is ruled by Satan and he is the King of all that live in it. The darkness is unique because you yourself have to choose to be governed by it. There is no price to pay but willingness to be a part of the culture, a willingness to magnify the King and its glory. There is nothing particularly hard to understand about the darkness because it does not end. The darkness has distance length however, in how deep you can go. The deeper you go, you explore territories where no one has been. It’s like walking into a desert with little supply and not knowing when the supply goods will reach you. The deeper you go by yourself, you can be too deep to retrieve. Sometimes, you are 5 miles away from the nearest human by yourself, with no one around but hyenas, wild owls who want to eat your flesh. The only weapons you have are sticks to fight off violent wild animals who want to rip you to shreds and birds to tear the flesh from your carcass. The king is terrifying because he has command over the wild beasts of the land, he has command over the birds of the air, and you yourself are choosing to walk and live in his Kingdom. When you disobey him, he will remove himself from you, and you are stuck in a place where there are gnashing of teeth, leagues away from help or food. The danger first starts out with fear of being alone, progresses to terror where there is little help, and to dread where you are too deep to retrieve. Some people have gone thousands of miles in the darkness, where thousands more need to go in, to fight and conquer, just to retrieve them, and return safely back to outside of the Darkness domain. What is scary about the Kingdom of Darkness is the distance which constantly evolves, but at the same time never ends.