The Conservative Kingdom - Diary of The Civilian by Samuel Kebede - HTML preview

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Chapter 3 - The story of the green plant

Once upon a time, there lived a King who wanted to expand his Kingdom. He loved his citizens and he longed to spend a lot of time with his armies whenever he had the opportunity to.

In time, the Kingdom grew larger. The citizens needed more space so he took his large army to conquer territory in the mountains where he found a large area to inhabit. In the Kingdom, he expanded, the armies found a plant which gave them a euphoric feeling upon consumption. As soon as they told the king about the plant, he was ecstatic. He wanted to keep it secret and formed a wall around the kingdom so no one would find the plant. He named the plant Khat.

The plant had a lot of good characteristics that gave the men fighting spirit. Instead of waiting all day and night for the drinks to be ready, they consumed the plant and kept out of the way of the citizens who partook in indulging in wine. The King kept it a secret from the Empires and Kingdoms all around his own. No one knew about the plant but no one really knew about the secret activities of the King and his armies when everyone was having a good time. Soon enough, some army men started to rebel, threatening to tell the secrets of the kingdom to other nations. No one knew why there was so much good wine on the tables, why no one was drinking the wine to their fill and there was a lot left around. The citizens began to wonder why their armies were so successful with so little entertainment and so little interaction with the women who loved to whore themselves. A lot of secrets remained until some generals decided to rebel.

They decided to kill the King and his sons to take the plant from him and form their own nations.

A coup followed. The King, his royal guards, his sons and wife were all murdered.

Kingdoms and Empires all around started hearing tales about the secret success of the King and his armies. The Kingdom proceeded to get broken down into three. The first general decided to take his cut and go far away from the cities and formed democracy in his name. They took the 13

plant and used it to the peak but the plant was hard to handle and the process of the cultivation was hard to handle for them. They disagreed with each other on how to grow and raise it.

Eventually, the plant withered and died. The second general used it to form a republic. The republic grew strong and expanded into other nations across the sea. However, the men found other reasons to exist than serve their republic. They went to Europe and Asia, fell in love with women of all kinds, and they adopted different treats. The plant was forgotten and abandoned in the original republic. It grew everywhere and no one could tell it apart from local weed anymore and soon disintegrated into the mountains where it was originally found.

The last general kept it for himself and told no one. Instead, he created a federalist government where he tried to find the bloodline of the original king and gave them the secret of the ancestors again. The princes grew strong under the protection of his leadership and armies.

However, the princes started preferring the plant over their Prime general. They went into all kinds of addictions and when they had fully abandoned his teachings and promises, they were exterminated in battle.

To this day, the plant remains out in the wild, defeating all kinds of Kingdoms, Empires, and governments awaiting for the return of the original king. So many have fallen, so many have died trying to tame the property of the king while the plant remains wild and formidable. One day, when King Menilik returns and sits on his throne again, the original Kingdom shall return, and the once formidable army shall rise again.