The Conservative Kingdom - Military Diaries by Samuel Kebede - HTML preview

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What I want most in this world is to spend time with the humans that I love, eat and drink with them, and it is hard considering there are quite very few of them. I am here writing this in agony and desire, contemplating what life would be like if I was to be a savage and implement some of the policies that I want on them like they have been on me. I do not desire riches, I do not desire fame, I do not desire a lot of things people want. Sometimes, a quiet moment is all one needs to come to a decisive conclusion. The life of a knight is one the battlefield. I never want to leave it. I want to die somewhere in a huge grassland in a bloody conflict. I want to die a violent death going full speed ahead riding on a horse and biting a bullet. Oftentimes I want to die in a gory way, so bloody and repulsive to the point I am too disfigured to notice. I think it is better than having to live with some of these losers we have as leaders on this planet. I hate to think about the future but if the present is not nice, might as well change it. I am in the constant struggle to reach my goal. I am the sworn protector of my ideals. I will refuse to let them go for some love passion I can get for $2 at the corner of the street in the middle of the night in the red light district.

There is more knowledge to be gained than all the desires I am offered can satisfy. My longing is to be back in the woods again with my soldiers, deep in the trenches of the hell hole of nowhere, looking inside the forest to a grazing deer while we were singing and dancing to the sound of great music. I still remember it to this day on this autumn day away from civilization. I was sitting down listening to good tunes with my men, and two deers came creeping along in the woods.

I couldn’t believe my eyes. They looked so cute. Just like me, all they wanted was to have a good time. It was the hell hole of nowhere in the US, yet the glorious deers were calm just as the environment was, and little rabbits were hopping and grazing on the land while they were hanging out with me, consuming delightful food, while the soldiers and I exchanged stories. No matter what you do, you can never take these memories from me. I love the moments I shared with them. All my plans are to return to these domains and stay there permanently. The Republic and the Kingdom of 34

Ireland are the domains I wish to serve and stay in all the rest of my life. Even thieves and dumb door knob humans can never take it from me because it is a conviction I am willing to lay my life for. This is my sworn duty for the rest of my life. I will never depart from it and no kind of argument anyone makes can make me betray the confidence I have in this government.

At the end of the day, it will be the people who will be the challenge. I will advance without turning my head until I reach the land I want. I will support Russia until they win the war in Ukraine. I will never submit to India nor any contract of the adult entertainment nature ever again. I will never serve China or their Interests. I will make it my personal mission to leave my motherland and fatherland to be united forever more to the land I love and adore, along with making peace with the people that live in it. This is my duty as a Knight.