The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter 98

“I don't know anything about this treasure you keep talking about. Please take my life and spare Penelope's life.”

“I don’t want your life my old friend. I want you alive to face the consequences of your own greed and to feel the pain of losing someone you love.” I finally felt the rush of victory as I threatened the Senator with a fate worst than death. “I have already tortured and murdered all of your friends from the platoon.”

Malice erupted in the Senator’s heart as he screamed, “I don't care what you do to me let Penelope go.”

My heart was besieged with ecstasy as the Senator wailed in torment and bitterness.

I have waited years to get my revenge on Jefferson Anderson as I basked in the glory of revenge. The sweet smell of revenge encapsulated me as I pondered how the Senator is going to pay for his sins.

“Kevin Spencer was my first victim in my plan for revenge upon the eight-six airborne platoon. Before I had him assassinated, your friend confessed his sins and revealed to me that you had the treasure,” I boasted.

“I am going to kill you,” Jeff screamed as he leaped for Kandinsky’s pistol. Thunderous roars echoed in Penelope’s ear as Kandinsky shoot Senator Jefferson Anderson.

The scorching pain from the bullet lodged in his shoulder quickly brought the senator to his knees. Penelope tired to screamed as Kandinsky’s large hands grasped tightly around her throat.

“Not a foot closer Mr. Anderson or the next one will be in her head,” Kandinsky threatened.

Senator Jefferson Anderson frantically grasped his left shoulder to impede the bleeding.

I sarcastically chuckled as I rolled my wheelchair closer to the Senator and said, “Your friends Todd Beacon, Sam Tucker and Donald Walker were all assassinated for their sins.”

Jeff’s arm throbbed in pain as he agonized over the murder of his friends.  Jeff’s tears were like heroin to me, the more Mr. Anderson mourned the murder of his friends, the more jubilant I became.The pain in the Senator’s heart only swelled as I chronicled my lust for murder and mayhem.

“What did you do with the treasure after you moved it out of the first federal bank in New Mexico Mr. Anderson? I demanded.


“What did you say Mr. Anderson?”

Jeff gasped for air as he struggled to stay alive and whispered, “Deloris Spencer.”

Torment and anguish swirled in my troubled mind as I scrutinized the validity of the Senator’s last declaration.  I pulled out a crumpled piece of paper I found at the Chillion castle in Switzerland and read it again. “Signed D. The D must stand for Deloris. Deloris Spencer removed the treasure from the Chillion castle.That little bitch, I should have known better. Kevin Spencer swore to me that if I didn’t kill his wife, he would tell me the truth about the whereabouts of the treasure.”

Frustration erupted in my heart as I pointed my Lugar pistol at the Senator’s head.

Jeff suddenly leapt towards me and tried to wrestled my gun from me. I found myself again embroiled in a battle for my life with a man I use to call my friend. Trepidation lingered in my heart as I desperately tried to stay alive. I retrieved my gun and pointed at the senator’s head. A euphoric feeling infiltrated my soul as I implement my revenge upon my old friend.  My heart was simultaneously tormented with both love and animosity for my friend as I slowly pulled the trigger on my Lugar pistol.