The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter  99

Abruptly the park erupted with gunfire. The once tranquil moonlit night was suddenly thrust into a battle between good and evil as the FBI Invade the memorial park. “Hold your fire.This is Dennis Peterson of the federal burial of investigations; Martinez and Robert Dubinsky aka Albert Kandinsky, you’re surrounded put down your weapons and release your hostages now.”

I immediately maneuver my wheelchair behind a row of trees as bullet whizzed past my head.

Kandinsky sought refuge behind a park bench with Penelope still in tow. Albert cocked his gun and places it beneath Penelope’s chin.

“You have two minutes, Martinez to come out before we open fire,” the agent snarled.

Kandinsky and I slowly inch our way back to our car.

Gunfire erupted again; this time the gunfire was aimed towards the FBI.

“Come this way if you want to live,” An ominous voice shouted over the gunfire.

I wheel my wheelchair between trees as the FBI released a barrage of bullets. A skeptical look quickly adorned my face as I cast my eye upon a mysterious person concealed behind a black mask. “Taylor is that you?” I uttered suspiciously.

“Yes, It is me. Hurry your car is waiting over there; we don’t have much time. I will get Albert, you get to the car.”

I wheeled my chair towards my car as Taylor raced toward Kandinsky.

“Kandinsky, we got to go. The FBI will overrun the park soon,” Taylor said.

“I will take care of the FBI myself; you take care of Martinez.”

Enrage and vex by Kandinsky stupidly, Taylor contemplated between killing the FBI agents or Kandinsky.

Kandinsky yelled, “Put down your weapon FBI or I will kill her.”

“You’re surrounded Dubinsky, there is no way out,” Dennis stated. “Just give her up and drop your weapons.”

Shots rang out as I move my wheelchair closer to my car. I soon realize that I couldn’t leave my best friend alone to die. I abruptly turn his wheelchair around and quickly rolled my wheelchair back towards Albert.

The darkness that shrouded the park was abruptly illuminated with a blinding bright light and a loud thunderous explosion.

Frantically I wheeled himself back toward Kandinsky as the FBI abruptly detonated a M84 stun grenade to disorientation Taylor and Albert.  Kandinsky ducted for cover, but it was too late, he was hit in the leg by FBI gunfire. Fearing the worst, I rolled my wheelchair desperately towards my friend.

“I am going to kill her,” Mr. Kandinsky yelled. Kandinsky Jumped to his feet with Penelope still clutched tightly in his grip.

The FBI abruptly halted their assault as Albert walked out from behind a tree with his gun pointed at Penelope’s head.

Dispirited, Penelope sobbed as she struggled for freedom from Kandinsky’s strong grip. Albert finally come to a stop in the middle of a park and places his gun against Penelope’s head.

“Don’t do it Dubinsky,” Dennis pleaded.

Al turned to me and smiled. An unsuspected tear trickled down my face as I smiled back at my best friend. The memories that Albert and I shared for the past forty years passed before me. My heart was plagued with regret and anxiety as I pondered the possibility that I was just about to lose the best friend I ever had. Even though we were once enemies, Al has always been my best friend.

Kandinsky’s mind was immersed with vindication and disdain as he glared at the FBI. “Fuck you FBI agent Dennis Paterson,” he screamed as he pulled trigger of his Glock pistol and shot Penelope Baggins twice in the head.

Mrs. Penelope Bagginess’s beautiful blue eyes slowly faded as blood cascaded down her face. Penelope's blood soak body crumbled to the ground as Kandinsky stared defiantly back at Dennis Paterson with his cold, unsympathetic and callous eyes.

Scream of terror ripped though the park as Jeff Anderson cast his tear filled eyes toward his lover dead corps strewn across the bloody grass. “No, Jeff screamed as he collapsed to his knees. Jeff’s once warm and loving heart became frigid as his gazed sadly upon his one true love.

The park was instantaneously thrust into chaos as Dennis Peterson took careful aim and shot Kandinsky in the head.  Dennis’s 357 magnum disseminated Kandinsky’s head into small pieces and propelled his dead body over a nearby bench and splattered blood upon a grassy field.

The tragic murder of my friend Albert Kandinsky only escalate my lust for revenge.  I pulled out my Lugar handgun and released a hailstorm towards the FBI. Several bullets from my Lugar pistol perforated agent Dennis Paterson’s body.

Taylor realized that we were out numbered and hastily launched two smoke grenades towards the FBI.

“Let’s move,” Taylor yelled. The FBI agent grabbed my wheelchair and pushed me back to my special equipped car.

“Deloris Spencer has the gold; I am going back to Seaside Oregon to reclaim the gold,” I instructed Taylor.

“I’ll go with you.”

“No, I will meet you in D.C. in two days after I have the treasure and together we will finally have our revenge and kill Jefferson Anderson.”

The FBI quickly invaded the park as I reluctantly drove my car out of sight.

Taylor shot a fellow FBI agents in the face with a Walter PP pistol. Cleverly Taylor switched his cloths and identification with the dead FBI agent and slipped into the dark night before the FBI arrived on the scene.