The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter 103

Special agent Jenny Johnson and Doctor Brown entered the hospital fearing the worst. The death of several fellow FBI agent sadden Jenny as she tried to smile. “Dennis your alive,” she screamed with joy as they entered the agent’s hospital room.

“Have you been able to find Craig; is he still alive?” Dennis inquired.

Jenny’s face was still wet from her tears as she uttered, “We haven’t found Craig yet, but I am sure he is all right. Many agents died tonight, but I think Craig is still alive; he may be in another hospital.”

“Is senator Anderson alive?”

Eric and Jenny look at each other as bereavement filled their hearts.“He is in surgery now,” Eric insisted.

Jenny sat down on a chair close to Dennis’s bed and held his hand.

Doctor Brown said, “We have found some more information on the twelve soldiers in Kevin Spencer’s old photograph. Five of the soldiers have been recently murder. We presume that they were either murdered by an assassins hired by Martinez or they were murdered by Martinez himself. Kevin Spencer aka Robert Banner was murdered in Oregon State two weeks ago. Sam Tucker was murdered in Kent, England six-day ago. Private Donald Walker and his daughter Jane were found dead inside the Carlsbad cavern in New Mexico three days ago. Private Todd Beacon was killed in cheap motel in Washington D.C. And dumped in a shallow grave. The local police suspect that Todd was poisoned.Robert Freeman was murder in Ottawa Canada by a women assassin named Cindy Woodworth.”

“Have you been able to narrow down which soldier in the old photograph is Martinez?” Dennis inquired.

“No, not yet.  If our theory is correct, Martinez has got to be one of the seven remaining soldiers in this old photo,” Eric insisted.

“What are the names of the soldiers in the photograph that are still alive?” Dennis inquired.

“There are still two soldier in the picture that we still have not been able to identify. The remaining five soldiers that we know are alive are Captain John Clack Kelly, Private Kevin McFadden, Private Carl Smith, Derek Brown and Senator Anderson. Any one of the seven remaining soldiers could be Martinez,” Jenny stipulated.

“ What about the treasure that Martinez is searching for, Have you been able to located it yet?” Dennis inquired.

“We still have not revealed what the treasure is or it present whereabouts. Senator Anderson is the only person that know the answer to those questions, but he is still in surgery,”said Jenny.

“Martinez could already have the treasure. I need one of you to go to capitol and find a guy named captain Hayden. The captain will let you into the senator’s office. Maybe the senator left a clue to the whereabouts of the treasure in one of his files,” said Dennis.

“I’ll go see captain Hayden,” Jenny said. “What about the forensic report on the guns used by Martinez and Robert Dubinsky?” Dennis requested.

“I have the report right here,” Doctor Brown stated. Martinez used a Lugar pistol handgun. The unknown assassin that helped Martinez escape the Georgetown park used a Mac-10 assault riffle.”

“Run a fingerprint analysis on the shell casing of both guns; it might reveal Martinez’s real name and identify the mysterious assassin who killed all of those FBI agent tonight,” Dennis said.