The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter 104

Dennis lied quietly in his hospital bed thinking of his only daughter Isabella. A smile illuminated his face as he though of her warm cheerful smile. The agent was abruptly aroused from his dreams by the annoying ringing emanating from his phone.

Suspicion quickly infiltrated the agents mind as he guardedly answered the phone.

“Good evening Mr Paterson. This Andre’Rouèche. I heard that you were shot by Martinez. We feared the worst. Have you located you partner Craig Hollowly yet?”

“Not yet. André I need your help solving a nagging question that has plagued me since the last time I saw you in Paris. You said the name of the FBI that conspired with Martinez was named Taylor, have been able to find the agents last name yet?”

“Unfortunately I don't have a last name yet. I will dig deeper into the CIA and MI-6 computers and try to find Taylor's last name. I am sorry about your Partner Craig Holloway; I hope he is still alive my friend.”