The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter 107

After eight hours of surgery to remove the two bullet from his left arm, agent Paterson was still in throbbing pain. The agent laid silently in a hospital bed as he morned the loss of his friends and fellow FBI agents. What really worried Dennis’s aching mind was the whereabouts of his new partner Craig Holloway. A despairing look quickly emerged from the agent’s face as he pondered if his friend was alive or dead.

Eric Brown and Jenny Johnson’s minds were engulfed with bereavement as they entered Dennis’s hospital room.

“Have you identified the finger prints on the shell casing belonging to a Mac-10 or luger pistol used at the Georgetown park?” Dennis inquired.

“No, Eric said. “Not yet, we should have results soon.”

“Jenny did you find out anything at the senator’s office?” Dennis inquired.

“I found a letter on senator Anderson’s computer addressed to his secretary and secrete lover Penelope Baggins. Beside confessing his love and devotion to his lover, the senator confessed that Deloris Spencer has the treasure,” Jenny stipulated.

“I got to go to Seaside. I must stop Martinez before he steals the treasure and kills Deloris,” Dennis demanded.

“No way agent Paterson, your obvious still in pain,” Eric insisted as he forced the agent back into his bed. “Beside I recently  heard that our boss, Dexter Framingham, has taken his private airplane to Seaside Oregon less then an hour ago. One of the passengers on the airplane was identified as John Kelly. He was one of the soldiers in Kevin Spencer's old photograph.”

A perplexed look sprung from Dennis’s face as pondered why his boss brought John Kelly to Seaside Oregon.

“I’ll go to Seaside and find Deloris hopefully before Martinez brutally murders her,” Eric insisted.

“I am going to follow up on a lead,” Jenny stipulated. “An unidentified FBI agent was brought into a nearby hospital. I going over there to see if the dead agent is Craig Holloway.”

Dennis wiped away an unsuspected tear as he said, “I’ll call Captain Sean Brennan of the Seaside police department. Maybe he can intercept Deloris before Martinez kills her.”