The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter 106

Kelly was still hung over as Dexter’s private airplane landed in Dulles international airport. The early morning light of a new day crept over the horizon and pierced Kelly’s bloodshot eyes. The first rays of the sun made Kelly irritable and nauseated. Despite the lack of evidence, Kelly was still convinced that senator Anderson hired Martinez to kill Kevin Spencer. Kelly desperately tried to think of a way to escape Dexter’s clutches and kill senator Anderson. John grew weary of being bullied by the director of the FBI and desperately want to relinquish the misery that swirled in his sole. The only refuge Kelly could have from his tormented life was to either kill the man that was responsible for Kevin’s murder or to take his own life.

John was still drunk as Carl dragged him into Dexter’s secret FBI black room in Washington D.C. Dexter was unsympathetic to Kelly's despair as he thrust the former private into a chair. “So what do we do now Kelly? Robert Freeman is dead thanks to you. He was our last chance to find Martinez and stop the bloodshed.

An astonished look quickly emanated from Kelly's face as he remembered what his friend Robert Freeman uttered just before he died. “Deloris is protecting the platoon’s secret now.

Trepidation lingered in Kelly's heart as he pondered Deloris’s fate. “Will Martinez force Deloris to reveal the platoon’s secrets then brutally murder her?” John knew he could never trust the director of the FBI with the Platoon’s secret. John also knew that if he was going to save Deloris, he was going to need Dexter’s help.

“I might know where the Martinez is,” Kelly reluctantly uttered.”

“Where is Martinez John?”

“We have to fly to Seaside Oregon and stop Martinez before he kills Deloris Spencer.”

“Is the treasure that Martinez is searching for in Oregon?”

“I am not sure, but we must fly to Seaside now and intercept Martinez before he murders Deloris.”

“I don't know what your up to Kelly, but if you betray me, I will kill you. Sober up, you have less then one hour before my private jet is refueled and ready for departure.”

Kelly’s heart leapt at the thought of seeing Deloris again. His jovial affection for Deloris quickly faded as he pondered Dexter's true motivation of going to Deloris’s house.  Kelly knew that he might have to kill Dexter Framingham if he harmed Deloris.