The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter: 109

The hospital was overwhelmed with injured and dying FBI agents from the massacre at the Georgetown park. The body count was up to twelve dead; twenty-four injured. As Dennis roamed the halls, it accrued to him that as long as Jefferson Anderson was alive, he was in danger of being assassinated by Martinez.

Dennis entered the senator’s hospital room as he slowly regained consciousness from five hours of surgery.

“What happened; Where is Penelope?” A sad look crossed Dennis’s face as he whispered sympathetically, “You’re in a hospital Senator.” I am sorry sir to have to tell you, Penelope is dead.”

Tears streamed down the senator’s face as he morned the lose of his lover. “I loved her; I wanted to merry her. I can’t believe she is gone. Its my fault that she dead.”

“What is Martinez’s real name Senator Anderson?”

“I don't really know Martinez’s real name, agent Paterson. His face was so burnt and distorted I couldn’t recognize his face.”

“Which one of your old friends in this picture of your platoon is Martinez?”

“Regret and anguish swirled in the senator’s troubled mind as he hung his head in shame and uttered,“I don't know which one is Martinez.”

“What treasure is Martinez looking for senator?”

A defiant look emanated from the senator’s face as he stared obstinately back at the FBI agent.

“We found your letter to your lover Penelope in your computer. We know that the treasure is with Deloris Spencer.”

A horrid look crept over the senator face as pleaded with the FBI agent to save Deloris before Martinez kills her.

“Tell me what the treasure and I will do my best to save her senator.”

Despair lurked in the senator’s eyes as he pondered revealing the platoon’s secret that he has keep concealed for the past forty years.

“Dennis could seen the resolve that resinated in the senator’s defiant heart. “If you will not reveal what the treasure is then tell me who was the masked assassin that helped Martinez escape the Georgetown park?”

“Martinez only referred to the masked assassin as Taylor, I think he was an FBI agent.”

Dennis's troubled mind swirled with animosity as he tried to comprehend who Taylor really was and why he would help Martinez kill some many FBI agents.