The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter 110

A thunderstorm over Chicago Delayed Doctor Eric Brown’s flight from Washington, D.C. to Seaside Oregon. The agent’s terrible dinner of mushy chicken and frozen peas did little to rectify his bad mood.

Eric was irrational and exasperated as he pondered to himself, “Why would Dexter bring John Kelly to Deloris Spencer’s house.”

It finally dawned on the irate agent that maybe Dexter and Kelly conspired to steal the treasure from Deloris.

Seaside police station was overwrought with hysteria as FBI agent Eric Brown walked in the front door and flashed his badge. “ I working on a murder case with FBI agent Dennis Paterson. We recently found out that a terrorist named Martinez is planning to assassinate Deloris Spencer.”

A young, naive sergeant named Danielle Prescott greeted the agent with a distraught look in his eyes. His usual calm composure quickly turned frantic and neurotic. “We received a call from Agent Paterson warning us that Martinez might attempt to assassinate Deloris, but she has gone into hiding.  Captain Brennan and the rest of the Seaside police department are presently conducting a search for Deloris. Kevin Spencer’s dead body recently washed ashore. According to the ballistic report, the lands and grooves on the bullets indicate that they came from a Walter PP pistol, circa 1944.”

The doctors trouble mind pondered the accuracy of the balletic report. “Where you able to retrieve any fingerprints on the bullets?”

“An agitated look adorned the sergeants face as he uttered. “Yes, of course, but we found no match in our computer file.”

“I know someone that can find a match to the fingerprints.”  Eric’s gut churned as dialed the number of his best friend.

“Private Beliveau parle, Comment puis-je diriger votre appel,” Private Katherine Barnett said as she answered the phone at DST office in Paris France.

“Bonjour private Beliveau. This is Andre’s old friend Doctor Eric brown. I need to speak to Mr Rouèche for a moment please.”

“Oh Bonjour measure; one moment while I connect you,” Eric’s thoughts quickly drifted back to the first time he meet his old friend. It was a cold winter day in the Harvard cafeteria. Eric chuckled as he recalled the hysterical stunts Andre’Rouèche would play upon the freshman class.

“Misure, Brown my old friend it been fare to long since you were in Paris.” Andre said with a cheerful voice.

“Hello André how are you? “I need your help. The Seaside police department just found the remains of Kevin Spencer. The ballistic report on the bullets used to kill him came from a Walter, PP pistol. I am sending you the ballistic report. I need you to trace the fingerprints on the bullet and confirm my theory that Martinez killed Kevin with the Walter PP pistol.”

“I will have an answer for you my friend in an hour.”

“That may be to late my old friend.” “Eric don't be a hero; your not a field agent my old friend. When was the last time you fired a weapon?”

“I don't have much of a choice. If I don't try to impede Martinez’s wrath, Deloris Spencer could soon meet the same fate as her husband.”

Eric was besieged with anxiety and fear as he pondered his own fate. “Goodbye my old friend if you are unable to get in touch with me, call Dennis Paterson.”

Anguished swirled in the agent’s mind as he hanged up the phone and turned towards Prescott. “Where is captain Brennan?”

“The captain left for Deloris house an hour ago, but I haven’t heard from him since.”

“Prescott we have to find Deloris before Martinez kills her.”