The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter: 112

An anguish looked glazed over Jenny’s face as she walked Dennis back to his hospital room. Her hands tremble with fear and her deep blue eye reflected her remorse as she handed the agent a picture. Dennis’s heart was besieged with horror as he gazed upon a picture of a previous unidentified FBI agent.

“This FBI agent was found dead at the Francis Scott Key Memorial Park in Georgetown yesterday. The man’s face was destroyed by a shotgun blast at close range,” Jenny stipulated.

Fighting back tears of rage, Dennis uttered, “Are you sure this is Craig?”

Tears swelled in Jenny’s blue eyes as she tried to comfort agent Paterson. “The unidentified agent was the same hight, weight and blood type as your partner. He was still wearing the same clothes Craig was wearing yesterday. We even found his marine ring on his finger and his FBI badge in his jacket pocket. Craig was shot with the same Mac-10 riffle that the masked killer used to help Martinez escape the Georgetown park yesterday. The close up shotgun blast made a forensic dentist analysis impossible. We are waiting for DNA report, but our preliminary analysis confirmed that Craig Holloway is dead.”

Misery pierced Dennis’s heart as tried to comprehend the passing of his new partner and friend. Though Dennis’s conservative ideology was always an antithesis to Craig’s wild demure, Dennis loved Craig like a brother he never had.

Dennis’s mind was overwhelmed with anxiety as Jenny reluctantly left his hospital room. Through the nurse gave the agent a sedative to calm his nerves, he was still dramatized as he gazed at the picture of Craig’s bloody face.

The phone unexpectedly rang. Dennis’s tear filled eyes gazed upon the caller’s telephone number. His mind swirled with malice and animosity as he lifted the phone to his ear.

“Dennis I afraid that my friend Eric Brown might be dead,” Andre said empathetically.

“I am sure he is fine Andre; I’ll give the Seaside police department a call just to make sure that your friend is still alive.”

“Eric said that I should call you in case I was unable to get in touch with him. Two hours ago Eric sent me a ballistic report on the bullets used to kill Kevin Spencer. The bullets were from a Walter PP pistol circa 1944. My gun expert where able to determine without a doubt that the Walter PP pistol used to kill Kevin Spencer was also used to assassinate your former partner Roger Campbell.”

“Were you able to find out who owns the gun that killed my former partner?”

“No, unfortunately not yet. I will call you when I have the results. Till then agent Paterson don't trust anyone in the FBI.”

An anguish look emerged on agent Paterson’s face as he hanged up the phone. His mind was riddled with despair as he contemplate who killed his old friend, Roger Campbell. Anxiety stirred in his soul as recalled that there is only one agent in the FBI that ever owned a Walter PP pistol. Dennis pulled his Walter PP pistol from underneath his pillow as anguished filled his soul.