The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter 113

Kelly’s head rang like a bell at the Notre Dame cathedral. His blurry vision slowly succumbed as he gradually regained consciousness from a recent blow to the head.

Kelly struggled to escape from his bondage to a wooden kitchen chair as he slowly recovered from his discombobulated anemia.

Rage festered in the former soldier’s mind as he screamed, “Where is Deloris Spencer?”

Kelly slowly regained his eyesight as a mysterious voice chuckled, “She right here Captain John Clack Kelly.”

Kelly turned to see Deloris walk into the room bound and gagged.

I wheel my chair into Deloris’s living room.

John’s aching heart was consumed with violent savagery as he stared at a ghost from his past. Though he hasn’t seen me since June 6, 1944, Kelly still couldn’t recall my name. “John You don’t remember me do you? For now you can call me Martinez.”

“I know those eyes,” Kelly insisted. “You’re dead, I saw Sergeant Jefferson Anderson kill you. You’re a specter from my past.”

A devilish smile crept along my lips as I basked in the warm light of revenge. “You remember me now? How thoughtful, I thought you forgot all about me. Your correct my old friend. After forty years of agony and despair, I have finally come back from the dead to afflict my revenge on you and your friends for your treachery.”

“I am not here for the treasure; take it and leave us in peace,”

I scratched my scarred face as I watched Kelly and Deloris grapple with their lacerated wrist and ankles. A sinister smile crossed my face as despair and misery lurked in their hearts. I have waited for this moment for forty year.  I breathed in the gathering gloom that saturated Deloris’s house as a euphoric feeling overcame my sense. I pulled out my Lugar pistol and pointed at Deloris’s head and pondered, who should be the first to die.

Kelly glared at the women he always loved. “I know you told me to never come back, but I had to try to save you.”

Tears trickled down from Deloris’s bright emerald colored eyes as she cast a sad smile towards her old lover.

Despair lingered in Kelly’s heart as he yearned to wipe away Deloris’s tears from her soft cheek.

“Why her,” Kelly pleaded. “She has nothing to do with the platoon’s secret.”

“You wrong Kelly; Your old lover has everything to do with the platoons secret. Your old sergeant, Jefferson Anderson, confessed that Deloris has the treasure.”

Deloris slowly lifted her head and screamed, “You’re a monster; you killed my husband.”

“No, Mrs. Spencer, I didn’t kill your husband. It’s true that I issued the order to have your husband murdered, but I assure you it was not me that killed your husband.”

I turn my head and stared at Kevin’s murderer. Deloris followed my line of sight till she finally cast her emerald green eyes upon her husband’s murderer.