The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter 122

Andre Rouèche’s heart was filled with terror as he dialed Dennis Paterson’s telephone number. Andre dispensed with the usual cordial hellos as Dennis answered the phone. “I broke into the MI-6 computer and found the name of the second FBI agent working for Martinez; his name is Taylor Hanson.”

“Are you sure? We conducted a background check on Martinez’s Lugar and found out that the gun was used to murder a woman named Mary Hanson.”

“According to a birth certificate, Mary Hanson is Taylor Hanson’s mother. Why would Martinez murder Taylor Hanson’s mother,” Andre said disparagingly.

“Andre can you check your files to see if Mary Hanson had any kids?”

“According to a CIA file I just broke into Mary Hansen had two children. The youngest daughter was named Nicole. Nicole died with her mother in a gas explosion. Her oldest child named Taylor Hanson was born in 1960.”

“Martinez murdersTaylor Hansen’s mother? Why would Taylor conspire with a terrorist that killed his mother?”

Suspicion swirled in Dennis mind. “What about the children’s father, were you able to find his name?”

“There is no marriage certificate for Mary Hanson and there was no father listed on Nicole or Taylor Hansen’s birth certificate.”