The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter  121

Dennis pulled his Walter PP pistol from under his pillow as Jenny abruptly ran into his hospital room. “ Doctor Brown just called. Our boss has betrayed us he is working with Martinez. Doctor Brown stipulated that Dexter confessed to murdering Kevin Spencer on Martinez’s order.”

“Jenny have you been able to identify any other soldiers in Kevin Spencer’s old photograph?”

“I finally identified the last two soldiers from the picture of the eight-six airborne platoon. One was named Private David Cooper. According to the pentagon, David Cooper died on June 6, 1944 in a church near village of Sainte-Mère-Église, France. The second unidentified soldier in the picture was named Private Kevin McFadden. According to the Kansas city police department, McFadden was recently murder with the same Lugar pistol Martinez used in the Georgetown park.”

Bewilderment erupted in the agent’s mind as he uttered, “Where you able to link the Lugar to any other murders?”

“I ran a background check on the Lugar and found one murder 25 years ago. A women by the name of Mary Hansen was murder with Martinez’s Lugar pistol. According to the police report, she was found dead in her home after a gas explosion with two bullet from Martinez’s Lugar logged in her head. The fire was set to cover up her murder. Mrs Hanson’s daughter Nicole, unfortunately was also killed in the gas explosion.”

“Mary Hansen? That name sound familiar. Can your get a printout on that ballistic report for me.”

Dennis’s heart was overwhelmed with sorrow as he stashed the printed report in his pocket.

Betrayal lingered in Dennis’s tormented soul as he laid wide awake in his bed.  “Why does the name Mary Hanson sound familiar?”

Doubt still dawdled in Dennis’s deep blue eyes as he pondered, “Did Dexter use my gun to kill my old partner and set me up for his murder?”