The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter 124

My trip back to Washington D.C. was an exhausting yet rewording trip. Thanks to my spy in the FBI, Dexter Framingham, I was finally able to kill my old friend, John Kelly and simultaneously retrieved the treasure. After forty years of waiting, my plan for revenge is almost complete.  Jeff Anderson is the last soldier standing from the eighty-six airborne platoon. Though I have failed to kill the senator twice before, I am confident that I will not fail a third time.

As the festivities marking the fortieth anniversary of the D-day invasion slowly dissipated, I cast my eyes upon the wrinkled faces of my fellow crippled veterans of the last great war. Heroes cumbrously wheel themselves in front of cheering and appreciative crows that line the streets. Tears tickled down my face as the bravest men I have ever know were praised for their sacrifices forty years ago. Unfortunately for me I have no one to cheer for me. No wife, no family or any friends thanking me for the sacrifices I made forty years ago.

Today marked the fortieth anniversary of the worst day of my life. For the past forty years I have lurked in the shadows waiting patiently to kill my old friends and steal the treasure for myself. Today I will finally fulfill my quest for revenge and kill Jeff Anderson.