The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter 125

The senator was full of dread as he sat beside three tombstones in the middle of Arlington cemetery. Bereavement filled his heart as his thoughts drift back forty years to June 8, 1944.

Malice ragged in Sergeant Anderson’s eyes as he gazed into Private David Cooper’s eye.  “Sir this is wrong; this is stealing. We have a mission to fulfill,” advocated private David Cooper.

“Either your with us or your against us private Cooper.”

The young naive private stood paralyzed in fear as he looked down the wrong end of sergeant’s Smith and Wesson pistol.

“We have to report this sir. Stealing this treasure is wrong sergeant Anderson,” Private Cooper was soon joined by three other soldier who also disapproved of sergeant Anderson’s plans.

Rage infiltrated the sergeant’s soul as he pointed his weapon at the four defiant private.

Soldiers of the eighty-six airborne platoon watched apathetically as the sergeant murdered the privates one by one.

No tears were shed as the last private gasped for his last breath and died. Empathetically Jeff casted his eyes upon the remanning soldiers in his platoon. Their faces were cold and callous.

“Today we swear a blood oath to never reveal the theft of this treasure or the murder of our former friends,” Sergeant Anderson declared.

Wretchedest enshroud the platoon as sergeant Anderson slashed the palm of his hand and passed the knife to his men. “Repeat after me; I swear to never tell another living soul for as long as I live.”

Blood tricked from the soldier’s hand as they slashed the palms of their hands and clasped the sergeant’s hand.

Sergeant Anderson smiled as his platoon repeated the oath.

The young soldiers from the eight six platoon committed several sins that day that would haunt them for the rest of their lives.