The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter 12

Deloris always hated funerals. She would always find some excuse not to attend a funeral at all cost. This time she had no excuse; this funereal was for her husband Kevin Spencer.

The dark room of the funeral parlor was never a cheerful place for anyone, especially Deloris. Sorrow and misery shrouded Deloris’s sole as an illusive smile disguised her despair. As guest paid their respects with hugs and kind remarks, Deloris’s mind churned in gray thoughts and emotions of her husband’s murder. “Why did Kevin have an alias? Was he involved in international terrorism?” she agonized to herself.

Deloris’ wore her favorite black dress; the skimpy little number that Kevin brought for her during their first anniversary. Despite child bearing and old age, Deloris’s sexy curvy hips and subtle breast, still filled out her little black dress.

Deloris felt like she was dragged  through hell and back for the past five days. The hours of torture she endeared searching for her husband followed by the news of his probable murder had taken a toll. A black veil cloaked her cold and fraudulent smile that emanated from her alluring beautiful face, while tears of sorrow and anguish trickled from her sultry green eyes.

Deloris caught sight of a face, a face of a man she hasn’t seen in forty years. Though its been years since they met, Deloris could still sense he still possessed a mystique persona. The man's face wasn’t the youthful boy she once knew, but rather an older man with short grayish red hair, charming smile, dazzling green eyes and rugged good looks. His once strong athletic body has dwindle to feeble old man. His once soft supple skin was now worn and rough like old wrinkled paper. Despite the wrinkles in the man’s face, she could still recalls his name, John Clark Kelly. Deloris ran towards Kelly and grasped him as tears stream down her face. Though Kelly tried to obscure the torment he felt in the pit of his soul with a fraudulent smile, Deloris could feel his anguish. As she gazed into his eyes, Deloris quickly realized that Kelly felt just as tormented and desolated as she did. Kelly’s soul was infiltrated with joy as Deloris’s soft lips caressed his cheeks. For a fleeting moment they stood there mesmerized as they stared into each others eyes. Deloris held back, with all her might, the strong erg to take Kelly in her arms and run away from the choking misery that engulfed the room.

As the night loomed on, the crowd dwindled down to a small group of friends. Todd was on his tenth glass of whiskey as he manipulated a pretty blond women into his seductive web. Todd had a way with members of the opposite sex that he has perfected over the years. Todd caressed his next midnight lover as they discreet slipped out of the funeral parlor.

Captain Brennan and Deloris slowly walk into a dark corner of the room. The captain's disposition started as polite and heartwarming, but quickly chilled to more depressing matters. “I am sorry Deloris, but I must ask you more questions about your husband's mysterious murder.”

Deloris hated talking about the murder, but she was also determined to find out who killed her lover.“How can I help captain?” Deloris said in a soft sweet voice.

“Did Kevin keep any notes, maybe a will or even a secret phonebook?”

“No, but I am stopping by the bank tomorrow. Mr. Cornwall, from the first federal bank told me that Kevin opened a safety deposit box. He told me that if  I bring Kevin’s death certificate to the bank, I will be able to open the safety deposit box.”

The captain’s face lit up like a little kid in a candy store. This is the break the captain was looking for. “Oh, that sounds great; could I examine the context of the box?”

“No problem. I can meet you at the bank at about ten, after the funeral.”

“That would be great; I will see you at the funeral.”

Discreetly Albert and I mingled amongst the crown in the funeral parlor as I rolled my wheelchair closer to Deloris and Captain Brennan. I was inconspicuously eavesdropped on their conversation when I heard Deloris mention that Kevin had a secret safety deposit box.