The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter 13

A defiant grin curled across my face as a euphoric feeling slowly crept through my soul. I have prayed for this day for the past forty years. Today I celebrate the death of a comrade in arms, a long lost friend and an enemy all in one. Today is Kevin Spencer’s funeral. Misery consumed the hearts of the other mourners, as they attended the funeral, while ecstasy pierced my soul.

I inconspicuous rolled my wheelchair through the cemetery towards Kevin's grave as I tried to hide my scorched face from the widow. I positioned myself discreetly away from the prying eyes of the grief stricken mourners as they assemble around Kevin’s casket. Happiness rarely crept up to meet me, but on this day, happiness crept just a little closer. My plans for revenge upon Kevin Spencer and his fellow brothers in arms have just begun. Kevin was The first domino to topple in my game of revenge His death was the start of my deviously plan that will end with the death and destruction of all of Kevin's friends from the eight-six platoon.

Death is usually an ugly thing in most people’s life, but in my world it is a warm friend that threatened my very existence daily. I don’t usually attend family gatherings, especially funerals. I promise myself that I would attend this funeral.  How could I ever forgive myself for killing Kevin Spencer then not attend his funeral. Most of the people that were attending the funeral only knew the deceased as Kevin Spencer.  I remember Kevin’s other name, a name he assumed during the war. A name not even his wife knew, Robert Banner.

I maneuvered my wheelchair closer to the grave as a priest bestowed Kevin’s eulogy. “A father, husband and a devoted member of the town council. Mr. Spencer will be greatly missed by all, especially his loving wife, Deloris Spencer.”

The crowd wept into their handkerchiefs as the town choirs sang a gospel song. As for me, the tears obviously did not swell in my eyes. Rather a glow of success and a little bit of pride pierced my heart. I relished Kevin’s timely demise, but Kevin Spencer will not be the only person to die in pursuit of my justice.

As the families and love ones slowly retreat from the cemetery, I quietly waited for a moment to speak to the widow.  I wheeled my chair ever so slowly as Mrs. Spencer wept into a friend’s shoulder. Just when I decided to make my move, Captain Sean Brennan quickly escorted her to an awaiting car. I hailed my driver and quickly followed.

My indispensable driver Albert Kandinsky quickly picked me up and followed Mrs. Spencer to the bank.  I mingle around the crowd in the bank’s lobby as Sean Brennan escorted Mrs. Spencer to the safety deposit boxes. I soon realized that I was not the only person watching Mrs. Spencer. Two strange old men were secretly observing Mrs. Spencer as she entered the safety deposit box vault.

I halt my wheelchair when I realized that there was something familiar about these two men. As I scrutinized the two strangers, I searched my memory for clues as to their identity.

Deloris and Captain Brennan emerged from the bank vault.  I watched carefully as Deloris slipped a small computer disc into her purse. It was obvious that Kevin Spencer left the disc for his wife to retrieve upon his death. My suspicions was aroused as to the content of the computer disc, Maybe it contained a departing love letter confessing his undying love for his wife or maybe the computer disc was more sinister. It would be detrimental to me if Captain Brennan or the FBI were able to recover detailed information on my devilish plans from Kevin’s computer disc. It finally dawned on me that Kevin might have recorded details of my plans on the computer disc in the hope of impeding my for revenge upon the platoon.

As Deloris quickly dashed from the bank, The two strange men soon followed Deloris out of the bank. I hastily try to pursue her, but unfortunately, my wheelchair slowed me down before captain Brennan drove off with Deloris. My driver proved again, his great fortitude when he by obtained the license plate numbers of the two strange men following Deloris.

A sinister look crossed my scarred face as I pondered my next move.  I couldn’t afford to be delay my plan to assassinate a powerful senator, but I had to find out what was on Kevin’s computer disc before my plan was revealed to the FBI. I soon came to realize that if I wanted the computer disc, I was going to have to use the cunning skills of my driver and friend Albert Kandinsky. It was crucial for Albert to steal the disc from Deloris tonight before captain Brennan gets his hands on the disc.