The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter 15

Horror grasped Deloris’s heart as she was aroused by two FBI agents. Deloris was prettified in fear as she starred back at a pistols pointed at her head.  Deloris trembled as she quickly pulled her sheets over her head.

“Calm down, please Mrs. Deloris Spencer. We are from the FBI.” Dennis demanded in stern voice as he flashed his badge.

“What are you doing in my house?” Deloris screamed.

“Someone broke into your house, but we chased them away.”

“Someone broke in to my house?” “Yes, can you please check to see if anything is missing Mrs. Spencer?”

The agent walked back into the living room and started to search the room for evidence.

Deloris frantically searched her house. As she uttered, “I don’t see anything missing.”

Dennis scratched his forehead and uttered, “Please Mrs. Spencer, can you please look around again? There’s got to be something missing. They didn’t break-in just to say hi.”

Bewilderment clouded Mrs. Spencer's mind as she continued to search her house.

Captain Sean Brennan and Sergeant Prescott arrived at Deloris Spencer’s house with all the light flashing.  Captain Sean Brennan was obviously furious about the break-in as he pulled out his colt 45 pistol and pointed at agent Dennis Peterson’s head.

“That will not be necessary officer,” Dennis uttered as he place his gun back in his holster.

“We are here just to pay our respects to the widow,” Craig said as he entered the house through the back door.

“If you're just here to pay your respects, then why did you make such a mess?” Captain Sean Brennan inquired as he shined his flashlight on the broken lamp.

Deloris’s emerald green eye wept as she ran to Sean’s side and whispered, “Kevin’s computer disc is missing.”

“This computer disk?” Craig said as he passed Kevin’s computer disk to his partner.

Deloris and Captain stared at the disc in disbelief. “Where did you get that?” David Prescott insisted as he reached for the disc in vain.

“Now see here, whatever your name is, that computer disk belongs to Deloris,” Sean insisted.

“Wrong Captain Brennan; the disk now belongs to the FBI,” Craig snarled.

Frustration swirled in Sean’s mind as he confronted the agents face to face. “Now listen to me, I don’t know what you’re up to, but this disc is in my town.” The captain's penetrating hazel colored eyes stared brazenly back at Dennis as if he was the devil himself.

Deloris cried sympathetic for justice, “Please, it’s my husband’s computer disc, it’s the only thing I have left; please give it back to me.”

“This case is now under the authority of the FBI. We are in pursuing of a know terrorist named Martinez. We suspect that Martinez either killed Kevin Spencer or had him killed on his order. The information on this disk could lead to the arrest of the terrorist and bring him to justice before he kills a prominent senator. I will make you a deal Captain, you can keep this disk if you provide us with a copy,” Dennis insisted.

“You can pick up your copy at the police station 10:00 am tomorrow,” The Captain bellowed as a grabbed the disc from Craig’s hand and returned to his patrol car.