The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter 16

The next morning Dennis and Craig were greeted by the Seaside police department with only angry faces and uncooperative attitude.

Sergeant Prescott reluctantly approached the FBI agent as they entered the police station.

“Were here for Kevin Spencer’s computer disc,” Dennis insisted.

A suspicious look crossed Prescott’s young acne filled face as he uttered, “This way sir, the captain wants to talk to you.”

Hate and mistrust lingered in Prescott’s heart as he lead them to a conference room and said, “Wait here.”

Craig was livid as he threaten to pull out his pistol and shoot the arrogant police officer in the head,

“You’ll get use to it Craig; all police are apprehensive when the fed get involved in their case,” Dennis insisted.

The police belligerent attitude did little to impede Craig’s already hostel temper. Dennis’s malicious attitude was suddenly aspirated when Captain Sean Brennan barged into the conference room followed closely behind by his loyal terrier Prescott. As Dennis grabbed the disc, the captain said,”I can let you have this disc.”

An infuriated look crept over Dennis’s face as he screamed, “What do you mean captain? You agreed--”

“I know, but it useless; we can’t gain access to any of the files on the computer disc.”

“Don't worry captain,” Dennis said as he forcefully ripped the disc from the captain’s hand. “I have a doctor that can open this disc.”

As the computer screen of the Seaside police station came to life, the FBI agents saw a reclusive doctor Brown diligently working on a New York Times crossword unaware that his was being watched.

“Wizard we need you help,” Craig said as he startled the unsuspected doctor. Confusion swirled in Doctor Brown's agitated mind as he stared back at Craig and Dennis’s face through a live video feed from Seaside. Eric quickly regained his composure and uttered, “Oh sorry how may I help you agents?”

Despite the miracles that Doctor Brown has preformed in the past, Craig nervously contemplated if Doctor Brown could crack the code to Kevin Spencer's computer disc.

“Place the disc in the police computer and I will remotely brake into the disc from here,” the doctor demanded.

Doctor Brown was very skilled at solving puzzles and mathematical problem, but his own intuitive mind had a a difficult time cracking the code on Kevin’s disc.

Deep within the Doctor’s brilliant mind, a spark erupted. “I have a revelation,” the doctor bellowed as he quickly stood up and cheered. Tears of joy trickled down his face as he proudly bolstered, “I did it, I unlocked the computer disc.” A plethora of emotion erupted in the Doctor’s heart as he boasted about his achievement.

Craig and Dennis were animated as they cast their eyes upon a file from Kevin’s computer disk. Dennis hoped that the file would impede Martinez’s savage plan to kill a senator in less then twenty-four hours.

The doctor Brown clicked on a file and found a video. As the video started, the face of their arch enemy, Martinez appeared on the computer screen. Martinez’s gruesome face was chard and burnt beyond recognition. He seemed paralyzed as he stared back at them with an angry disposition.

An ominous voice bellowed from the computer screen as the agent watched the video vigilantly. “I assume that if your watching this video that I am already dead or missing.” Martinez’s scotched face was quickly replaced by Kevin Spencer’s face. “I can also assume that my friend Sean Brennan and sergeant Prescott are watching this video. I created this video to help you find my killer. The scotched face you just saw at the beginning of this video is my nemesis, a person I only know as Martinez. For weeks I have tried to elude Martinez, but I feel that he is always watching me. Even now his assassin, Albert is watching my every move.  I suspect that my destiny, unfortunately, will be an agonizing death at the hands of Martinez.  I don't know Martinez’s real name, but it has become plainly obvious to me that he is planning to kill me soon. I am sorry Sean I didn’t tell you about Martinez sooner, but I feared that he would kill you if I got you involved.  I have tired to protect Deloris from my wicket past, but I am afraid that the sins that I committed forty years ago have finally caught up to me.  Please do everything in your power to protect Deloris. I fear that she may be Martinez’s next victim.”

“Though I have not uncovered Martinez’s complete plan, I think he is desperately searching for a treasure. He believe that I know the whereabouts of this treasure. Though I have elude him from discovery the truth, I suspect that his plan for revenge will not end with my murder. I have recently discovered that Martinez has forged a plan to kill a member of my old platoon. Unfortunately I don't know the name of Martinez’s next murdered victim, but I do know the victim’s initials are J.A. I am sorry old friend, please for gods sack protect Deloris.”

The video suddenly went dead. The agent starred suspiciously at Sean Brennan and uttered, “What treasure is Kevin Spencer talking about?”