The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter 29

The look on the Senator Anderson’s face was one of sheer panic as a roll my wheelchair into his office. The senator desperately tried to hide his trepidation from Penelope as he nervously said, “Thank you miss Baggins; no phone calls please.”

An apprehensive look crept over Penelope’s face as she slowly closed the Senator’s office door.

The Senator’s fear only fueled my confidence as I rolled my wheelchair closer to his desk.

“How are you my old friend; Remember me?” I feverishly chuckled.

The Senator quickly jumped from his custom made designed chair and walked past the marble fireplace and raced toward the bar as he attempted to escape my wretch stare.

“What’s wrong Senator?” I scrutinize as I roll closer to the desk. The Senator tried to disguise his fear with a fraudulent bravado, but I could clearly see through his deception.

The Senator tried in vain to elude my wrath as he concealed himself behind the bar. The Senator’s voiced was filled with terror as he uttered, “Can I get you a drink?”

“You know what I want Senator?”

The Senator finally realized that there was no escape for him as he took a seat on his sofa. “I have the information you want, but you got to make sure no one ever finds out about this.”

“Of course,” I chuckled as I inch closer to the couch. The Senator reached into his shirt pocket with his trembling left hand and pulled out a piece of paper.

For decades I have aspired to slaughter senator Jefferson Anderson for his treachery. The sweet smell of revenge engulfed my soul as I pondered how I was going to murder the senator. For the last forty years I have been waiting to bestow my wrath upon the senator and destroy everything he ever loved. Sweat trickled down my brow as I fought against my urge to kill Jeff and his secret lover immediately. Despite my lust for revenge, I quickly recomposed myself as I patiently waited for the Senator to relinquish the whereabouts of the treasure.

“What is this?” I inquired as a sinister smile crossed my face.

Senator slowly passed a note to me without speaking a word. Anguish lingered in my heart as I read the note. “Are you sure that the treasure is here senator?”

“Yes,” the Senator said as he trembled in fear.

I lean back in my wheelchair to ponder the Senator’s fate. The pinnacle of my plan for revenge upon the senator has finally arrived. Joy swirled in my soul as I savor the brutal slaughter of my worst enemy, Jeff Anderson.

For years I have contrive many different scenarios of murdering him. Hanging, electrocution, drowning or even a bullet to the head. They all sound like perfect ways to kill the senator. A triumphant snarl quickly crossed my wretched faced as I prepare to vanquish my antagonist with the quickest way possible, Poisson.

“Okay senator, you have come through for me this time.”

“You promised that no one would ever find out.”

“Yes, it will be our secret.” I extend my right hand toward the Senator. “Why don’t we shake on it?”

The Senator hesitated as I slowly raise my hand. Apprehensively Jeff grabbed my hand. I immediately grasped his arm and pulled him closer. The stings of the needle make the Senator’s face contort in pain. His composer slowly drifted from narcotic nervousness to a vague and helpless look. A malevolent look crossed my face as I plugged the needle full of poison into his veins. The Senator’s eyes slowly drifted shut as the cold hand of the Reaper snatched his soul. The Senator appeared as limp as a de-boned fish as he collapsed helplessly on the couch.

"I hope Mr. Kandinsky took care of Mrs Penelope Baggins," I thought to myself as I wheeled myself towards the door. As I open the office door, I turned and face my nemesis. A feeling of blissful euphoria engulfed my soul as I cast my brown eyes upon the Senator’s dead body strewn across the coach.

Mrs. Penelope Baggins’s body was slumped in her chair as I enter the office. “Oh please don’t leave the young lady like that Mr. Kandinsky.”

Albert quickly rearranged Penelope’s head back upon her chair.

“I got what we came here for Mr. Kandinsky, let's go.”

I roll my wheelchair into the corridor. Mr. Kandinsky locked the door from the inside and placed a do not disturb note on the office door.

“That is a good idea; that will give us some time to escape.”

Alberta haphazardly looked up and down the empty corridor and pushed my wheelchair to my car.