The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter 34

Craig always had a way with women, especially blonde women. Craig was already wooing Mrs. Janet McFarlane by the time Dennis made his way back to the reception desk.

“Oh, this is quite a morning,” The beautiful receptionist said. “I can’t understand why anyone would want to kill Senator Anderson and Penelope.”

Craig glared at Mrs. McFarlane’s, gorgeous body from head to toe. A tight fitting black dress covered her voluptuous body. Her button size noise only extenuated her flawless face. A pink ribbon that tied back her long blonde, only added mystery to Janet's Persona.

Dennis startled Janet as he approached the receptionist’s desk and said, “Mrs. McFarlane, did the Senator have a meeting with anyone earlier in the day?”

Janet slowly turned away from Craig’s looming green eyes as she focused on the computer in front of her.  “Yes, there were a house representative named Mr. Collin Bates at 10:00 A.M; and a delivery at 10:15 A.M.”

“What about the deliveryman; did he go into Senator Anderson office?” Craig quickly inquired.

“No, sir; all deliveries go through the secret service before they are passed on to Miss. Penelope Baggins.”

“What about the two men that Louis escorted to the senators office?” Dennis inquired.

According to the computer, two men had a meeting with the senator at 12:15 P.M."

“What were their names?” Dennis abruptly insisted.

“Robert Banner and Kevin Spencer,” Janet recall.

“Did you happen to ask for any identification?” Dennis inquired.

“Yes, Janet insisted. “They had special passes issued to them by FBI Director Dexter Framingham.”

Craig was befuddled as tried to figure out why the director of the FBI, would help two Unknown guys gain access to Senator Anderson office.

“Do you have any footage of these two men?”

“Yes, of course sir,” Within a couple of second a video appeared on her computer screen. “These are the two men that were scheduled to meet senator Anderson at 12:15.”

Suspicion crept into Craig’s mind as he watched the video of two men approaching Mrs. McFarlane’s receptionist desk.

“Louis are these the guy that you escorted to the senator’s office just before you found that the senator was attached?” Craig inquired.

Louis was speechless as he shook his head.

“Janet can you zoom in on their faces?” Craig insisted.

Dennis was bewildered as he stared at a close up picture of the two men. “That is not Kevin Spencer,” Dennis insisted. “Spencer was killed two days ago.”

“If that man is not Kevin Spencer then who is he?” Janet inquired.

“I don't recognized them; I’ll call the wizard and ask him to identify these two men,” Dennis insisted.

“Did anyone else enter the senator’s office between Mr. Collin Bates at 10A.M and theses two guys at 12:15 P.M?” Craig inquired.

“There where two other men who entered Capitol through the handicapped entrance. One of them was in a wheelchair. They had a special pass issued directly from the Senator Anderson’s office. The special passes allowed them to enter the capital without a background check. They we scheduled to meet with senator Anderson at 12 o’clock,” said Miss. McFarlane.

“Do you have any video of these two men entering the capital?” Dennis inquired.

Dennis suspiciously watched the computer screen as a image of a man in a wheelchair entered the Capitol through the handicapped entrance.

“Can you get a closer picture of the tall man pushing the wheelchair bound man?” Craig inquired.

“A perplex look crossed Craig's face as he cast his greens eyes on the face of a tall man about sixty year old man with a large nose, high check bones and short brown hear.

“What about the man in the wheelchair, can you get a closer picture of his face?”agent Holloway inquired.

“Unfortunately, no his wide brim hat is covering his face,” Janet uttered regrettably.

“That’s okay” I’ll call the wizard, I am sure he can help us identify the suspects.”