The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter 35

Mr. Albert Kandinsky helped me into my seat aboard my Gulf Stream 500 private airplane. he secured my my wheelchair and strapped himself in for a long flight to Paris France.  I love Paris in the spring, especially the blooms of flowers along the Le Seine River and the smell of fresh baked French baguette.

This trip, unfortunately, was not for pleasure.  My tormented mind swirled with ambivalence as I read the note senator Anderson gave to me just before I killed him. Jeff swore on his life that father Mansion has the treasure. I haven't’ seen my old friend Father Mansion in forty years. My soul was beleaguered with both sorrow and exuberance at the thought of seeing the man that saved my life so many years ago. Unfortunately father Mansion has betrayed me and has transposed from my friend into my nemesis.  Sadness lurked in my soul as I return to France to assassinate the man that saved my life.

Today marked the dawn of a new day; a day of my rebirth as a righteous man; pure in heart and purpose.  I shall go forth upon these lands and bring my malice, depravity and wickedness upon my friend Gregory Mansion and alleviate him of his shameful guilt.

I reach for my private phone as my Gulf Stream ascended into the heavens. While I dialed the number, I rejoice on the deadly consequence of this call and for a moment, I am at peace.

“Yes,” The mysterious assassin responded. “You know what to do, I responded.

"Yes, Where?” “Washington, D.C.” “When?”

“Tonight; it must be tonight, clean and quick, but not too fast.”


“You’re the expert assassin. Carry out the assassination anyway you want to just make sure the mark is dead tonight.” I hang up the phone and slide into my large leather chair for a nap during the six hour flight to Paris.