The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter  37

Doctor Eric Brown’s phone rang for several minutes before anyone noticed.  On most days, Doctor Brown and his assistance were dedicated to their jobs and country, but today Jenny Johnson was the life of the festivities. Jenny danced topless on top of her desk as music blared from the FBI laboratory speakers.

Doctor Jenny Johnson was better known by her fellow FBI geeks as “super woman.” Voted the most stunning geek in the FBI Laboratory three years in row. "Super women", graduated top in her class from Massachusetts Institute of Technologies with a Doctrine degree in computer science. She has worked with Doctor Brown for the last three years and is considered the most intelligent agent in the computer division of the agency. In her short tenure as a computer analyst, Jenny has over one hundred and twenty-four confirmed arrests. Unlike most geeks, “Super woman” was not only very smart, but she was also very ambitious and athletic. Jenny had long  sculptured legs, lean yet curvy body, big blue eyes, soft flowing blonde hair and subtle breast. She was the epitome of a computer geek, pleasing persona, inquisitive scientist and sexy women.

Doctor Brown reluctantly turned down the music after the phone rang for the seventh time and said, “Doctor Brown here, whom may I ask is disturbing our party time?”

“It’s me, agent Craig Holloway; can you hear me?”

Doctor Brown’s head swirled with alcohol and images of naked women as he tried to listen to the voice on his phone, “Who?” the Doctor replied.

Craig’s frustration with Doctor Brown was very apparent as he screamed, “Doctor Brown this is agent Craig Holloway of the FBI.”

The Doctor Brown quickly composed himself and turned off the music and said, “Sorry agent Holloway.” Eric straightened his tie and brushed back his thick salt and pepper hair.  “How can I help agent Holloway?”

“I am sending you pictures of two men.We need you to identify them quickly.”

Doctor Brown was an expert at finding know felons even when he was half in the bag. Doctor Brown scanned the pictures through his massive new IBM, biometric database computer. The computer system was interlinked with supercomputers from Interpol, NSA the French DST and MI6.

“The man in the picture you just sent us agent Holloway is named Robert F. Dubinsky. born September 3, 1922, Düsseldorf, Germany. Died Wednesday, June 8,1944 in Sainte-Mère- Église, France.”

“Died?” Craig stated. “That is impossible that picture was taken today in the Capitol here in Washington D.C.”

“Sir, this computer does not lie. Robert Dubinsky died on June 8, 1944 during the D- day invasion. If you want DNA confirmation, just send me his blood,” Eric said.

Craig snarled in frustration. “We can’t, we don’t know where he is.”

“Maybe Robert Dubinsky has an allies,” Jenny divulged in a sexy voice.

Mrs. Jenny Johnson’s pride shined through as she used the FBI’s supercomputer to find Robert Dubinsky's last know whereabouts. “Your friend, Robert Dubinsky has an allies. He is goes by the name Albert Kandinsky. He just registered a flight plan for a Gulf Stream 500 private airplane. The Airplane is scheduled to leave Washington D.C. bound for Paris, France in fifteen minutes.”

“What about the man in the wheelchair have you been able to identify him yet?” Craig asked.

Jenny quickly jumped to the challenge and processed the photograph through the FBI face recognition program. Jenny’s pride soon vanished with the sting of humiliation when the computer was unable to find a name for the mysterious man in the wheelchair.

Janet McFarlane cast her blue eyes toward Craig and gestured, “What about the two men that had the 12:15 appointment with Senator Anderson?”

“Doctor Brown I need you to identify two more suspects for us? We are sending you their photographs now,” Craig inquired.

The enthusiastic smile that adorned Jenny’s face divulged that she was finally victorious. “Their real names are Todd Beacon and John Kelly.”

“How are these two men connected to the murder of Senator Anderson and Kevin Spencer?”Dennis inquired.

“I’ll find out and get right back to you sir,”Jenny uttered.

“I call you when we land in Paris,” Dennis stated.