The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter 38

Whiskey was Todd Beacon’s Achilles heel. Especially when Todd mixed whiskey and women. Whiskey only acerbated Todd’s depression and rendered him helpless to women.  For Todd, alcohol and sex was a drug he couldn’t live without. Todd’s consumption of women and whiskey extended far beyond the limits that would have killed most men.

Kelly was powerless when it came to Todd’s obsession with women and whiskey. Gorgeous, voluptuous women would fall prey to Todd’s charming seduction and become helpless in his labyrinth of tangled lies and deceit. Todd’s charm served him well for many years, there were few women that could escape his clutches. That was especially true for the women snatched in his clutches tonight.

Unlike his friend Todd, Kelly had only room in his heart for one woman. A beautiful woman with crimson hair and bright green emerald eyes that lurked in his nightmares.

Kelly drink alone while Todd engaged in his nightly quest for his next midnight lover. Disappear lingered in Kelly’s heart as he lamented the murder of another friend and his former sergeant Jefferson Anderson. Desperately Kelly tried to suppress the Senator's brutal murder as he shot back another glass of whiskey.

John Kelly always loved his old friends from his platoon. He often reflected upon them with a feeling of admiration, love and respect. The only feeling that Kelly felt for his old friends tonight was hate. John shook his head in disgrace as he tried to comprehend which one of his friends killed Kevin Spencer and Jeff Anderson.  It’s one thing to kill an enemy on the battlefield; but it is something totally different to kill a comrade in cold blood. Kelly’s mournful thoughts slowly diminish as his got drunk on cheap whiskey. Drunk, paranoid and angry, Kelly walked out of the bar towards his cheap motel room when he noticed that Todd had snatched another beautiful midnight lover.

Infatuation, lust and whiskey rapidly spread through Todd's mind as the night dwindled towards dawn.

Todd tried his best to disseminate the thoughts of Jeff Anderson’s body strewn across the couch as he took another shot of whiskey. After fifteen shots of whiskey, Todd was still going strong as the light of dawn started to crested over the horizon. The light of dawn crept in through the window of the pub as the bartender screamed, “last call.” Todd and his blonde midnight lover walked over to the bar for one last shot of whiskey.

As Todd walked out of the bar, with his newest midnight lover he whispered,  “Your place or mine?” Sex was a powerful drug for Todd, especially when fueled by whiskey.  For most men, alcohol was a deterrent for getting a hard on, but for Todd, whiskey was like Viagra. Tonight Todd felt like he has taken at least ten Viagra pills all at once.

Todd's mysterious midnight lover was a ravishing and alluring blonde with a seductive body. She was well endowed with long blonde hair, big blue eyes, porcelain white skin, voluptuous breast and a curvy hips. Her greatest asset was her tantalizing ass that fit snuggle into a tight pair of black jeans. A tight fitting white silk shirt with frilly collars complement her impressive double D breast.

Guest near Todd’s cheap motel were the luck recipients to hear his midnight lover’s passionate moaning. The squeaking of his bed could be heard for miles as Todd and his midnight lovers bounce simultaneously on the bed with a vengeance. The foreplay of licking and sucking only titillated the gorgeous blonde. Her head flush with sexual climaxes and whiskey as Todd licked his way down her body. Todd’s lips embraced the softness of her boobs as the voluptuous women embraced Todd’s butt with both hands. Todd slowly kissed the women’s body as she moaned with excitement.

Todd’s warmly licked the women between her thighs as she moaned.  Todd’s desire to penetrate her was overwhelming as he positioned himself for the final act. Waves of rapture, lust, and love engulfed her body till she cried out in orgasm. Todd’s lust was not fulfilled yet as he forged on with his manly thrust.

The woman's moaned as she sweated, panted and groaned. Todd’s manly thrust became deeper, harder and faster as the women’s moaning became more pronounced. The midnight lover swarmed in orgasms as Todd quicken his pace. Todd’s quest for lust finally climaxed as their bodies quivered with delight.

Splitters of light from the morning sun, slashed through the darkness of Todd’s motel room as the midnight lovers frolic in bed. The dazzling glow of the warm sunlight enveloped their naked, sweaty bodies as moans of lust slowly subsided. Their souls commingled together as lust, whiskey and love entangle their hearts and minds.

Todd turned his face towards the mysterious midnight lover and softly whispered, “I am thirsty for more whiskey.”

“Your wish is my command,” the woman taunted. The woman filed two plastic cups, she retrieved from the bathroom, with Jack Daniels.

“You know what I love more than whiskey?” Todd hinted as the women walked over to his side of the bed.

“What?” she flitted as she passed him a cup.

“You,” he stipulated as he looked deep into her eyes and drank his whiskey.

She wasn’t sure what scared her more, the look of love in Todd’s eyes or just the word love.  The women smiled back at Todd and drink her whiskey in one shot. The mysterious naked blonde woman slipped under the bed sheets alongside Todd. Todd stretched out his hand to touch her face and smiled. Todd never really felt this way with any of his other midnight lovers.

The beautiful blonde woman in Todd's web of lust tonight was different. Love was a new and strange emotion that Todd fond alluring, fascinating and comforting. Todd's new found emotion suddenly sprang from his lips as he softly whispered in her ear, “I love you.”

“I love you too,” she proclaimed as she quickly picked up a needle and jabbed it into Todd’s right ear.

The mysterious women could see the painful surprise in Todd’s face as she plunged the needle deeper into his brain.  She quickly compressed the plunger of the needle and released a strong dosage of Potassium cyanide.