The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter  39

The mysterious woman specialized in killing men. She has a talent of subduing the male victim into a false feeling of safety, then killed them like a black female widow spider kills her partner after sex.

She was a professional killer that had a foolproof way to murder men. First she lured the man into their bed, have a little foreplay and just before they think they're getting lucky, she would pump them full of Potassium cyanide. Quick and simple. No fluids, very little hair and no words of love.

The mysterious professional assassin had a meticulous technique for removing all evidence. She would start by placing plastic gloves on both hands and then check for signs of life. She used a swab to check under Todd’s lips to see if his tongue had turned purple and the lips a light color blue. Next the eyelids were opened and checked with a pen light. A proud smile adorned the assassin’s face when she was finally satisfied that Todd Beacon was definitively dead.

She began her ritual of cleaning the hotel room. This part of the assassin’s job was very important. The assassin had never been a suspect in any of her twenty-two murders she committed.

As she flipped Todd’s body over onto his back, she foolishly looked into his eyes. A twang of regret gleamed into the mysterious women’s heart as she glazed into the eyes of her most recent victim. A touch of sadness crept into the assassin’s soul for a brief moment then vanished.

The assassin removed all evidence of the murder. The blonde killer checked the bed and sheets for traces of sperm, blood and hair.

Suddenly, somewhere deep in her heart, she realized that her latest victim was different then her other victims. Foolishly the killer turned Todd over and looked into his eyes just one more time.

The well-trained assassin knew better than to look into the eyes of someone she just killed, but she could not help herself. “Did he really mean what he said? Did he really love me?” The word love swirled in her mind as she wiped down all the furniture.

Love was the last word an assassin like her ever wanted to hear. The word love still echoed in her brain as she continued to the bathroom. “How could he possibly love me?

The female assassin has seen a million men like Todd’s before; Just a bunch of horny guys just looking for a good time.

The assassin suddenly stopped wiping down the sink and ask herself, “Why did I say I love you to Todd?” regret infiltrated the mysterious women’s heart as she pondered her conflicting emotions.

The assassin had committed enough murders to know better than to think about the victims by name. Frustration grew in the woman’s mind as she wiped down the victim with her homemade bleach soaked sponge. The sponge was designed to remove sperm and hair from the victim.

“Why did I have sex with this one? She thought to herself. “Was it the alcohol or was it something else?”

The assassin continued to struggle with her foolish feeling as she pushed Todd back to his side of the bed. The assassin  pulled out her secret weapon. It was a small test tube filled with sperm, that she collected over the years. She poured the sperm over Todd’s genital and the bed sheets.  It was a brilliant idea she came up with while watching CSI. The assassin used just a dribble of sperm to cover up any unwanted liquids. The sperm also misdirected the cops into thinking that the guy was having sex with another man. The kicker in the killer’s arsenal was a handful of male hair follicles that she sprinkled around the bed.

The mysterious killer suppressed her unwanted emotion from her soul as she finished cleaning the motel room. She removed her gloves, mask and placed them in her plastic bag alongside the used needle. She then walked into the bathroom and put on her blue tinted contact lens. The killer then removed her fake blonde wig exposing her short brown hair. She then placed a fake crimson colored wig snugly on her head. The professional killer redressed and checked herself out in the bathroom mirror. As she walked toward the front door, the killer surveyed the room one last time.

The assassin opened the door with a tissue, then she mistakenly stops and looked back into the motel room. Regret infiltrated the assassin’s soul as she cast her big blue eyes upon Todd’s dead body strewn across the bed. A small tear trickled down the assassin's beautiful face as she whispered, “I love you too Todd.” The assassin hastily turned and walked out the front door.