The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter  44

Frustration flourished in Kelly’s heart as he pondered the sudden death of his lifelong friend. Unfortunately, Kelly was unable to express his heartfelt feeling in public.  He tried to hold himself together as he wiped away an unsuspecting tear. The brutality of Todd’s murder only acerbated an already intense situation.

Fighting back tears of rage, fear and hopelessness, Kelly raced for a bus and deposited seventy-five cents into the slot before he took a seat.

During the bloody battle of the D-day invasion, Kelly witnessed mayhem that has lurked in his soul for the past forty years. The murder of Kelly's best friend brought anguish despair and sorrow that he hasn't felt since the last great war.  Many of Kelly's old friends were murdered by German soldiers and died in his own arms.

Kelly tried to avoid making a seine as a thousand thoughts passed through his mind. “Was Todd murderer by the same assassin that killed Senator Anderson and Kevin Spencer? Maybe Todd was assassinated by the FBI in retaliation for the senator's murder.”

A glimmer of clairvoyance sparked in Kelly’s mind as he finally realized that his friends were murdered in retribution for their sins. Kelly’s troubled mind was plagued with remorse for the sins that he and his friends committed forty years ago. Though Kelly and his friends desperately tried to conceal a secrets, it was apparent to him that their secrets might have already been revealed. Kelly always knew that they would all pay the ultimate price for their deadly sins. Kelly wept as he realized that today would be his day of reckoning. Despite his desperate attempts to atone for his sins, he finally came to the sad conclusion that he was going to be brutally murdered like his friends Todd and Kevin.

Kelly desperately needed to find out who killed his friends before he was murdered in cold blood. The only person that could help him was Todd’s informant in the FBI Dexter Framingham.