The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter  45

Kelly searched his pockets for Todd’s phonebook. “Thank god,” Kelly whispered to himself. At the next stop Kelly jumped off the bus and raced towards a public phone. Kelly’s hands quivered as he flipped through the pages. “That number is no good,” Kelly grumbled to himself. “Okay this number should work.” Frantically he dialed the number. “I hope he can help,” Kelly whispered as he waited for the phone to ring.

Kelly was perplex as he listened to a mechanical voice say, “Identification number, please.”

“Identification number,” Kelly repeated to himself. “Hello, hey is anyone there?”

“Identification number, please,” the voice repeated.

Pissed, Kelly hanged up the phone. “What did I do wrong? Kelly said repetitiously as he carefully redialed.

Kelly’s patience was running thin as he listen to the mechanical voice say, “Identification  number, please.”

“Shit, again, what I am going to do now?” rage festered in Kelly’s mind as the mechanical voice repeated, “Identification  number, please.”

“Shit,” Kelly screamed. Dread and anxiety washed through Kelly's mind as he hung up the phone again.

Kelly stammered around the phone and pulled out Todd’s phonebook and looked at the number again. “What, is this some kind of stupid jokes?  Leave it to Todd to screw up this number.”

Kelly redialed the telephone number again and patiently waited.  Frustration erupted in his soul when he heard the mechanical voice repeat, “Identification number, please.”

Inundated with rage, Kelly thrust the phonebook to the sidewalk. A gust of wind kicked up and turned the pages.  In the far right corner, written in Todd’s handwriting, was a code 85-pdf*847b.

Kelly grudgingly picked up the phonebook and dialed in the code. “I feel like a fool,” John muttered as he waited for a response.

“Please hold…,”

“Todd is this you?” a voice cried out from the phone.

“No, sir, it’s his best friend John C. Kelly.” “John, where are you?”

Bewildered, John contemplated his next words carefully.

“I am going to get you John, stay right there, someone will pick you up in two minutes.”

The line suddenly went silent. Panic swirled through Kelly’s mind as he apprehensively hanged up the phone. Drowning is a sea of paranoia and confusion, Kelly pondered the thought that the FBI would eliminate him before he could be rescued by Dexter Framingham.

A black sedan stopped at the curb. A tall, dark man climbed from the car and placed a black bag over John’s head. John screamed frantically as he was brutally hit over the head.

Terror rushed through Kelly's Simi- conscious mind as the car dashed into the darkness of Washington, D.C. John's horrifying screams did little to release him from his captors.

“The FBI must have tapped that phone line,” Kelly theorized to himself. “they must think that Todd and I killed the Senator.”

Terror lingered in Kelly’s heart as the black sedan drove around Washington, D.C. for an hour. Kelly finally realized that his kidnappers could be the same assassins that killed his friend Todd Beacon. Kelly begged God for forgiveness for his sins as he waited for his eminent brutal murder.

Kelly thrashed around the back seat as the mind numbing effects from a Taser ricochet through his body.

Tears trickled down Kelly’s face as he slowly accepted his imminent demise and subsequently dissimulation over the New Jersey countryside like a piece of cow crap.

While John waited for the cold hand of the Reaper, he reflected on his violent, brutal and sinful life. Remorse and guilt lurked in John’s soul as he desperately struggled for freedom.

Just as the car started to slow down, Kelly finally accepted his pending doom.  John did not have anyone to say goodbye too, except his estranged daughter and the women with crimson colored hear that invaded his nightmares.

The sadness and loneliness of Kelly’s life flashed before his eyes as he was forced from the car. A heavy blunt object rendered John unconscious.