The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter 46

The smell of Cuban cigars and 10 year old oak barrel aged bourbon filled Kelly's nostrils as he woke from his horrible ordeal. John thought he would wake up dead or worse yet in an illegal CIA holding cell in some god forsaken third world county. Kelly slowly opened up his eyes to see a large oak library brimming with leather bound classic books like Moby Dick and Tom Sawyer.

Beads of sweat crept from Kelly’s forehead as a knock reverberated from a large oak door. A small white women dress in a French maid outfit entered the library with a glass full of brandy. “Monsieur will be with you momentarily.”

Kelly casually walked about the library as he sniffed the warm Hennessy cognac.

A thunderous voice bellowed out, “Kelly is that you? I thought you were with Todd? Where is he?

Kelly’s brown eyes gazed upon Todd’s twin.

“Who are you?” Kelly quested.

“Oh, sorry, please sit down, my name is Dexter Framingham.”

Suspicion crept through Kelly’s soul as he sipped some cognac.

“Where is Todd? Last I heard he was with you, running from senator Anderson’s office.”

Kelly gasped on his cognac, “You know about that? What are you the FBI or CIA?”

Dexter smiled and said, “I am Todd’s cousin. I am his informant and helping hand in the FBI.”

Kelly sat back in his chair and took another sip of cognac as he observed Dexter’s unique clothing attire. Antelope leather jacket, warn cowboy boots, a black shirt, a pair of blue jeans and extra wide brimmed cowboy hat. Dexter’s choice of wardrobe seemed a little out of character for someone related to Todd Beacon.   Dexter had the same charisma and flamboyant personality that was so prevalent in Todd Beacon’s persona. Unlike his cousin, Dexter was obviously substantially more prosperous than Todd. Amongst Dexter’s prize possessions was a custom made Patek Phillips watch, a large gold ring from Texas A&M College and a large bronze bracelet with the initial DTP etched in gold.

“Funny, Todd never mentioned that he had a cousin.”

Dexter’s dark green eyes shimmer as he laughed. “That's okay, I don’t tell my friends about Todd. Seriously, where is he? It’s like he has vanished off the face of the earth. Even the agency can’t find him anywhere.”

Kelly sipped more cognac as he suspiciously looked upon Dexter. An attractive young man in his late thirties, maybe forties with thick, glorious wavy brown hair, perfect straight teeth and a sculptured face of an angle.

“You don’t trust me do you Kelly? Todd always said you were always cynical. Okay, I will level with you, I have been with the FBI for over twelve years and I was recently promoted to Director of the bureau.  I have been protecting Todd’s ass for the last ten years.”

It's obvious from the skeptical look on Kelly's face that he still didn’t trust Dexter Framingham.

“Do you remember that time you guys got caught trafficking pot over the Mexican border?”

Kelly barley remembered the drunken weekend three years ago.

Dexter smiled and chuckled. “Remember Todd made a call from a Mexican jail and suddenly all the evidence disappeared? That was me.” Dexter took a sip of cognac and made himself comfortable in a large leather chair.

“We didn’t kill Jeff, he was already dead when we got there. We thought someone else killed the Senator,” said Kelly.

Dexter chuckled. “I know l removed your names off the report.”

“You’re not here to kill me or put me in jail for the Senator’s murder?”

“Murder?” a surprise grin spread across Dexter’s face. “The Senator is not dead.”

“What? I was there, the senator is dead.” “No, Kelly Senator Jefferson Anderson is alive and well.”

A surprise look quickly crossed Kelly’s face as Dexter turned the television.

John cast his green eyes towards the television and saw that his old sergeant was still alive.

“Despite the rumors that were floating around earlier today, I can assure you all that I am alive and well.There was no attempted assassination on my life,” Senator Anderson divulged to a group of reporters.

“What about the rumors Senator,” a report quickly injected. “That you and your lover Mrs. Penelope Baggins committed suicide?”

“That is outrageous. There was no suicide and there is no sexual relationship between me and my secretary Mrs. Penelope Baggins.” “That’s all we are going to say for now,” The Senator’s aide said as he jumped up to the podium.

Kelly was speechless as he contemplated how to tell Dexter that his cousin was dead.

Despair and anger swelled in John’s heart as he told Dexter that Todd Beacon was murdered in a hotel room last night.

“Shit,” Dexter screamed as he threw his glass of cognac against the wall. “Are you sure?”

“I saw his body early this morning, I am sorry.”

“Oh, that’s all right; I am surprised Todd lasted this long. He probably died with a glass a whiskey in his hand and hot baby in his bed.”

Dexter poured himself another glass of cognac. Kelly smiled and toasted his friend Todd Beacon.

“Okay, it seems to me we need to get you out of D.C. Kelly.”

“No, I need to talk to Senator Anderson, he is the only one that knows who killed my friends and why.”

“I think your right Kelly. For the last year I had the senator under twenty-four hour surveillance.”

Kelly’s eyes widen in shock and his face suddenly went cold as he uttered, “Do you suspect Senator Anderson killed my friend Kevin Spencer?”

“All we do know is that the DNA found at Kevin’s murder scene was traced back to a man we only know as Martinez. I have yet to discover what connection there is between Kevin Spencer, Martinez and senator Anderson. I suspect it has to do with your old platoon.”

“You think the senator hired Martinez to kill friends of mine from the eight six Airborne platoon? Why would the senator want to kill members of his old platoon?”

“I don’t know, I was hoping that you could tell me John.”

Kelly’s face was flushed with rage.  For the past forty years he has kept the platoon’s sins secret. He had no intention to reveal any of the platoon secrets, that he swore to protect, to the director of the FBI. John knew that if he wanted to find out who murdered his friend and revenge their deaths, that he was going to have to keep the platoon’s secret hidden from the prying eyes of the FBI.

“I don't know anything, but I need to find out who killed my friends. I got to talk to Jeff Anderson now.”

“Okay, I will arrange a meeting, maybe the Senator will confess that he is responsible for murdering my cousin or Kevin Spencer. You’ll have to wear a wire.”

Feeling of torment and sorrow swirled in Kelly’s heart as he poured himself a glass of Hennessy cognac. Kelly was dubious as to Dexter Framingham’s role in the murder of his friends. The furtherance of Kelly’s pledge to vindicate his friend’s murder left him with little choose but to trust Dexter for now.