The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter: 55

Albert and I barely made it back to our private airplane before DST agents were able to intercept us. Fortunately for me, I hired the best pilot money could buy. Within minutes we were in the air and far away from the FBI and the DST.

My soul was burdened with despair as I contemplate my reunion with Father Gregory Mansion. I wish my visit with my old friend could have been more dignified and cheerful.

“Why did you bring the father with us?” Albert inquired. “I was hoping I would have the chance to kill him.” Albert’s eyes flare with rage as the priest shivered in fear.

“No, Albert. We can't kill the priest, at least not yet. Beside we should thank the priest for bring us together so many years ago.”

“The priest betrayed us. We should punish the French bastard, for the sins he has committed. Let me kill him now. I have waited forty years to take my revenge upon the priest for his lies and treachery.”

I contemplated Albert’s request to kill the priest. “Maybe Albert was right, maybe I should let him kill father Gregory Mansion for his sins.” After careful consideration I said,“No, I am sorry my old friend, but I need the priest alive for now.”

Al’s heart was besieged with malice as he yearned for retribution. I yearned to kill my old friend just as much as Albert did, but I realized that we needed the priest to find the treasure.

Albert’s dark thoughts slowly subsided as he pondered the fate of the two FBI agents he came across at the church.   His dark, cold eyes were filled with dread as he stated, “What about the FBI agent?”

“Don’t worry about the FBI agents; I hired an assassin to kill them. Tell the pilot to change our course from Dulles International airport to the Geneva international airport in Switzerland.”

“Geneva international airport?”

“Yes, Albert, The priest confessed that the treasure is hidden in Montreux, Switzerland on the Lake Geneva shore.”