The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter: 56

Agent Craig Holloway entered Andre’ Rouèche’s office with a chip on this shoulder and an attitude in his voice. “What the hell is your problem?”

“Relax,” Dennis said as he grabbed Craig and pushed him into a chair.

Despair lurked in Craig's green eyes as he stared defiantly at Andre and growled, “How did you miss Martinez and Robert Dubinsky? We called you two hours ago and told you he was on his way to the airport.”

Andre’ Rouèche slowly collected himself and sat back into his comfortable leather chair and stated with an arrogant French tone, “I sent my best agents to the airport once we got your phone call, but we missed him by just a few minutes.”

“What the hell are we going to do now?” Craig shouted.

Andre casually sat back and put his legs onto the corner of his desk. “We have notified your boss Dexter Framingham, the CIA, MI6 and Interpol. Don't worry, we will find him. He is probably flying back to the Dulles airport.”

“No way, this guy is too smart; we’ll have to cast a wider net to catch Martinez and Dubinsky. We must search airports in other nearby counties if we are to capture Martinez,” Dennis insisted.

A gentle knock on the door temporally disturbed the tension that was mounting in Andre’ Rouèche’s office.  “Enter,” the director said. The office door opened and exposed a beautiful blonde woman dressed in crisp white uniform. Dennis and Craig quickly jumped to their feet as the woman entered the room.

“Excuse-moi le capitaine nous a juste obtenu ce à partir du FBI.” The blonde woman's handed a vanilla envelope to André then promptly turned and walked out of the room. Even after the door was closed the two agents stood there mesmerized.

“Gentlemen, please sit”

“Who was that?” Craig insisted.

“Oh, that’s Private Barnett. She is one of our most trusted agents. I just received more information about Robert Dubinsky from my friend Doctor Eric Brown.”

A peculiar look swept across Dennis’s face as he asked, “You know Doctor Eric Brown?”

A pretentious smile crossed Andre’s face as chuckled,” yes of course, Eric and I are old school buddies from our days at Harvard.”

Craig was perturbed by Andre’s snooty French attitude. The agent snatched a black and white photograph from Andre and screamed, “Who is this?”

“That is Robert f. Dubinsky. His is Martinez’s right hand man. We suspect him of twelve murders, kidnaping, human trafficking and the man responsible for father Mansion’s capture earlier today,”

“The boy in this picture is too young to be Robert Dubinsky,” Dennis injected.

“This is Robert f. Dubinsky’s SS picture. He was only seventeen when this picture was taken.”

Craig’s patients were running thin as he snarled at Andre and said, “How do you know that this young man is Dubinsky?”

Andre’Rouèche sat there with an air of confidence and superiority, inherited in most French people, and proudly said, “We know a lot more than the FBI does about Martinez and Dubinsky.”

“Are you sure this old picture is Dubinsky?”Dennis insisted.

“Captain Robert Dubinsky entered the Waffen-S.S. On January 3, 1939. That’s Heinrich Himmler standing right next to Robert.” Andre insisted as he pointed at the old photograph. “Captain Dubinsky was part of the 4th Panzer Army under the command of General Walter Fries. I recently stolen a report from the Germany’s Counterintelligence agency. In the report farther Gregory Mansion declared that a German soldier named Robert Dubinsky and an unknown American soldier both died in his church on June 8, 1944.”

“Well, it’s obvious that the priest lied about Dubinsky death in 1944; we just saw him alive today,” Craig said with cynical tone.

“My theory is that father Mansion lied about Dubinsky and the unknown American soldier’s death. The priest then used his connection in the French resistance to smuggle both of the soldiers out of France. The soldiers then assumed new alias, Robert Dubinsky took the alias Albert Kandinsky and the unknown American soldier took the alias Martinez,” Andre theorized.

A stunned look crossed Dennis’s face as inquired, “What was the name of the unknown American soldier father Mansion smuggled out of France?”

André sat back down in his chair, A cynical look crossed his face as he said, “We don’t know the American soldier's name, but I believe that he is the international terrorist we know as Martinez.”

“If your theory is correct, why would Dubinsky and Martinez abduct the priest that saved their lives forty years ago?” Craig inquired.

“Remember what Kevin Spencer said in that video he made?” Kevin claimed that Martinez was searching for a treasure. Maybe the priest was abducted because he knows where the treasure is located,” Dennis insisted.

Agent Paterson’s mind was swirling with anxiety. “Do you know what treasure Martinez is searching for Andre?”

“I don't know.”

“Liar,” Craig snarled.“How is the priest connected to Martinez and senator Anderson? You know more about Martinez then you tell us.”

Agent Paterson thrust his partner into a nearby chair. Rage festered in Craig's heart as his eyes gleamed with malices.

The room was instantly engulfed in terror as Private Barnett broke through the director’s office and pointer a gun at agent Holloway’s head.

“It all right agent Barnett,” Andre insisted please arranged a car to bring the agents to the airport.”

Andre shook Dennis’s hand then escorted the agents out of his office. Andre then extended his hand towards Craig. The agent was still suspicious of Andre, but reluctantly shook his hand. Andre quickly pulled Craig closer and whispered in his ear. “I know that you don't trust me agent holloway, but your going to need my help to uncover who in the FBI is working for Martinez. Call me when your ready to hear the truth.” A cunning smile adorn the director’s face as he discreetly slipped a note into Craig’s hand.