The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter 3

Dennis still had a pounding headache after a three night drinking binge. The relentless ringing of his telephone only aspirated his usual crotchety disposition. As the phone rag for the eighth time, Dennis reluctantly climbed out of bed and answered the phone.

“Dennis this is Dexter, you got to come back to the agency; there has been a development, we found Martinez.”

Dennis drooped the phone and crawled towards his shower. The warm shower did little to relive him of his worst hangover. Through a thick haze of Scottish and whiskey that still swirled in his head, one name reverberated  in the agent’s troubled mind; Martinez. As he wiped the steam away from his mirror, Dennis noticed that his thick dark brown hair was a tangled mess, his deep ocean blue eyes were bloodshot and his breath still stunk of whiskey.

Only in his early fifties, Dennis still had a baby face with a striking beard. The FBI agent inherited his long, but elegant nose, from his father and his small ears, from his mother.

Despite his inebriated state, Dennis was still able to drive his 1964 blue ford mustang convertible back to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

As Dennis drove into the Bureau’s parking lot, it was very obvious that he was still drunk.

Though Craig has only been his partner for a few months, he knew better than to talk to Dennis about his ex-wife or his excessive drinking.

As Dennis stagger into the FBI building, he soon realized that he was no longer the crowned track and field champion of Grover, Wisconsin high school. His once athletic body, which was once cherished by all the cheerleaders, had slowly turned flabby and his legs turned arthritic with age.

Dennis gave his new partner, Craig Holloway, a disparaging look as he stepped in the lobby of the Bureau. Craig Holloway was a young, naive and brilliant agent. The youthful and ambitious agent was a striking contrast to Dennis’s low self esteem and manacling persona.  Unlike his partner’s long wavy hair and beard, Craig had a clean shaved baby face, short dirty blond hair and dreamy chanteuse colored eyes.

Craig straighten Dennis’s disheveled jacket and tie as they entered the office of Dexter Framingham. Dexter was the new director of the FBI and Dennis Paterson’s boss. Anxiety infiltrated Dennis’s heart as he sat in front of the director’s large walnut desk. The drunken agent chuckled as he cast his eyes upon Dexter for the first time.

Dexter was a younger, athletic and well educated man still in his forties. The direct’s hip young fashion sense included an eight thousand dollar patek philippe watch, a wide brim cowboy hat, a pair of pointy cowboy boots and large gold ring from Texas A&M. Dexter’s flamboyant style contrasted greatly with the previous FBI director's conservative, button down, strait lace demure.

Despite a thorough background check, Dennis was still suspicious of his new boss. Dexter’s quick rise to power within the agency wasn’t without controversy. The rumor was that he had the former director of the FBI, David Ferrari assassinated.

“What kind of new development do you have on Martinez? I hope it’s not another prank phone call from some weirdo just trying to get on the news?” Craig said sarcastically.

Dexter snarled at agent Holloway and uttered, “I received a DNA test from a Captain Sean Brennan of seaside Oregon. The DNA belongs to the terrorist we have been looking for the past two years named Martinez. The DNA was found on a cigarette butt at the murder scene of a guy named Kevin Spencer.”

“I have been reading the FBI file on Martinez. This terrorist has been the number one felon on the FBI’s most wanted list for the last three years. His file is full of assassination, human trafficking, espionage and gun smuggling. Three day ago Martinez threaten to kill a senator, but till recently the terrorist has been elusive. Despite your attempt to locate Martinez's whereabouts, he has remained a free,” Dexter said.

“How is Kevin Spencer associated with a terrorist like Martinez?” Dennis asked in a suspicious tone.

Dexter flicked through another file labeled Kevin Spencer AKA Robert Banner. As Dexter opened the file, a picture fell onto his desk.

Dennis quickly snatched the picture. “This guy is an associated of Martinez?” Dennis chuckled as he passed the photo to his partner.

Craig laughed at Kevin's middle age face, reseeding hairline and his expanding waist line as he uttered, “This guy is not a terrorist, I can reassure you of that Dexter.”

Dexter’s  face quickly contoured into an angry look as his menacing eyes gazed upon Craig. “We don't have anytime for your shit Holloway. Martinez has threaten to kill a member of the senate in less then three days. I want both of you to go to Seaside police department and find out what this Kevin guy has to do with our terrorist.”

“This is a waist of time,” Craig proclaimed. “This guy can barely run; he looks like a burnt out, middle class, electrician that yearns to move to Florida.”

Dexter thought that Craig was too young to be a good G-man. Craig graduated from the Academy only two years ago and was quickly promoted to youngest agent in the field. Despite his age and lack of field experience, it was obvious to Dexter that Craig’s years of killing in the Marines would proved to be a valuable asset to the FBI.

Animosity erupted in Dexter's office as Dexter screamed, “I want to know why a middle age, potbelly man from Oregon named Kevin Spencer would have an alias and what his’s connection is to Martinez. Don't forget we have only three days till Martinez kills a senator.”

A sinister look loomed over Dennis's face as he got up from his chair and staggered towards the door.

“One more thing before you go to Oregon,” Dexter said. “I want you to visit the doctor. He may have more information on Martinez or Kevin Spencer.”