The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter 4

Craig grabbed his inebriate partner and helped he as they walked to Doctor Brown’s office. Craig hated his new partner. Dennis’s wild antic and all night drinking contradicted drastically with Craig’s conservative, jovial manner. Though the agents were completely incompatible, the synergy they created always proved to be very successful.

Dennis’s mind swirled with whiskey and suspicion as they walked down the hall of the FBI Headquarters. Dennis silently contemplated what would happen if they didn't capture Martinez before he killed a a senator.

Dennis soon realized that there was a lot more at stake then just the assassination of a senator. Dennis have been tracking down Martinez for two years and knew that killing a senator would only be the begin of his sinister plan. As the agent’s  walked down the stairs towards Doctor Eric Brown’s laboratory, Dennis was confident  that the Doctor, despite his warp sense of humor, might be the only deterrent in Martinez’s plans.

The agents were unabashed by Doctor Brown’s brazen attitude toward life. The agents brace themselves for what they would discover once they opened the laboratory doors. Would there be a bonfire, naked woman dancing on a desktop, or a flock of geese drunk on whiskey? It was any one's guess.

The agents reluctantly opened the door and discovered a frat boy’s party inside the FBI computer laboratory . It was obvious to Dennis and Craig that it was happy hour again as female computer technicians ran around the lab naked.

The Bureau’s computer laboratory was one of the most sophisticated computer complexes in the world. A team of thirty computer expert lead by doctor Eric Brown controlled fifteen supercomputers in an office the size of a New York City block.

Named the “geek room” the lab was an interconnected massive IBM computers that could track any name, phone call or image anywhere in the world in a matter of seconds.

The geniuses behind all this technology was the worlds’ renowned experts in the computer programming world named Eric Brown. Doctor Brown was a graduate of Harvard University with a PHD in computer science and has worked for the agency for the last fifteen years. Doctor Brown’s assistance was Mrs. Jenny Johnson. A recent MIT graduate who was considered one of the world best authority on computers.

“Doctor Brown pleases,” Dennis screamed above the loud music.

Doctors Eric Brown was engaged in a game of strip poker with two female technicians.   “Come on baby, daddy needs an ace or at least a king,” Doctor Brown said.

An adorable smile crossed Miss Jenny Johnson young face as she dealt the next hand.

Doctor Brown abruptly let out a,  “Wahoo” as he shifted his cards. Unfortunately for Doctor Brown, the beautiful technicians were far too crafty and intelligent to lose to Doctor Brown.

“Read them and weep,” The Doctor said as he flashed his cards on the desk.   Doctor Eric Brown gleamed from ear to ear at the thought of both beautiful technicians shedding another piece of clothing. The women looked at each other in glee. Jenny had a full house, aces high and Beth has a full house flush. Doctor Brown let out a frustrating cry when he finally realized that he had lost another poker game to the two women.

A smile adorned Dennis's face as the women humiliated the Doctor.

“Okay Doctor it’s time for you to strip again,” Beth demanded as the technicians reclined in their chairs and basked in their victory.

Doctor Brown regrettably stood up to take off his underwear when he realized that Dennis and Craig were standing at the doorway.

“Oh, thanks god, sorry girls, but business before pleasure,” the doctor said as he pulled up his underwear.

“That’s not fare Doctor, we will get you next time and there will be no FBI agents to stop you from stripping naked,” Jenny chuckled.

“Doctor, we really do need your help with something,” Dennis said.

Eric Brown quickly put on his lab coat and said, “Yes, how can I help you agent Holloway? I am quite busy right now as you can see.” Doctor Brown quickly regained his composure and finished dressing. Eric smiled at the agents in his usual smug demur as he took a seat in front of his new IBM computer.

Eric Brown was considered by many as the leading authority in computer science. His teams of computer geeks were responsible for the arrest of four thousand felons in the past three years.  Doctor Eric Brown was capable of searching the agency’s massive computer system to find any pictures, fingerprint or DNA in a fraction of a second.

The Doctor’s midlife appearance contradicted greatly with his childish schoolboy antics. Eric was often considered a quagmire. His conservative super geeky side clashed with his flamboyant side. Doctor Brown loved drinking, women and poker, but his love of computers and his partying antics commingle into an enigma few understood.

With his long brown hair, charismatic hazel colored eyes and conservative fashion style, Doctor Brown was the epitome of geek and playboy. Dressed in a tweed jacket, black slacks and red bow tie, Doctor Brown was a contradiction of playful frat boy and a computer geek.

“We need you to provide us with all the information you have on this guy. We think that his alias name is Robert Banner,” Dennis said as he placed a picture of Kevin Spencer on Doctor Eric Brown’s desk.

Whiskey swirled in Dennis’s mind as the genius doctor diligently typed on his computer keyboard. Within  seconds  a board, pompous smile adorned the doctor’s face as he said, “Accruing to the pentagon, Kevin Spencer enlisted in the army in 1944 under the alias, Robert Banner. He served in the eighty-six Airborne platoon during world war two. Married Deloris Burke in 1946. The couple had two child.”

“What about Martinez’s DNA samples. Does his DNA link him to any other murders or reveal his real name?” Dennis postulated.

The doctor's pompous smile quirky vanished as he cast his brown eyes upon the agent’s inquisitive faces. “I am sorry, but this DNA doesn't correlated to any unsolved murders in the FBI computer and it doesn't reveal Martinez's true identity.”