The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter 58

A soft glow from the full moon cascaded upon John Kelly as he stood silently at the Washington monument. A brisk breeze shivered Kelly as his reflected upon all the mayhem he endeared in his life. Kelly smiled as he cast his eyes on the Washington monument. It was Washington’s military leadership that motivated him to join the military. John joined because he felt it was his patriotic duty to stand up and defend American against the evil of the Third Reich.  Kelly thought he was engaged in a battle with evil once again, an evil enemy that killed his friends Kevin Spencer and Todd Beacon.

Jefferson Anderson approached the Washington monument and bellowed,“Captain John Clark Kelly.”

Kelly was petrified as he cast his green eyes upon his old sergeant Jeff Anderson. Kelly didn’t know if he should cry, laugh or salute as he brushed away an unsuspecting tear from his eyes.

“Is this the type of soldier I taught you to be, captain? Stand up straight and suck in that gut,” Jeff commanded as he punched Kelly in the gut.

Kelly stood at attention, fearing that he would be court-martialed if he moved a muscle. Kelly finally laughed and shook the hand of the man that saved his life forty years ago.

“How are you doing Jeff?” Kelly asked apprehensively. “I thought you were dead when I saw you at your office.”

“I heard that a lot today, but I assure you I am alive.”

“Why is someone trying to kill you?

“Let’s walk.” A cynical smile crossed Jeff’s face as he suddenly morphed back into a slick politician and tried to skirt the issue.

Kelly suddenly stopped in his tracks and looked at Jeff in disbelief. “I don’t know what’s going on here, but two of my friends are dead and I think you’re behind their murdered.”

“Please be quiet,” Jeffrey whispered as he hugged his friend around the shoulder. “Let walk.” the Senator smiled like a politician running for office.

“I don’t want to walk. I want answers.” “Okay, Okay, calm down boy you’re going to get in some very big trouble if you continue on this road you’re--”

“Did you hear me?” Kelly quick interrupted. “Two of my best friends are dead and I want to know who killed them right now.”

“I heard about your friend Kevin, but I had nothing to do with his murder.”

“Liar,” Kelly scoffed in a hateful voice. The Senator stopped and cast his brown eyes upon Kelly and said, “Have I never lied to you Captain?”

Kelly finally calmed down and lowered his head as he softly said, “No,” in a shameful and resentfully voice.

A mysterious look crept across the Senator face as he ranted, “I may have done many bad things, but I have never killed anyone, except those fucking Germans of course. I swear, I had nothing to do with killing your friend Kevin.”

“Kevin Spencer and Todd Beacon were both brutal murder and I think you hired an assassin named Martinez to kill them,” Kelly snarled.

“I didn’t know that private Todd Beacon was murdered.”

Kelly’s eyes swelled up with tears as he explained to the Senator that his friend Todd Beacon was murdered last night in a motel.

The Senator’s heart was engulfed in grief and despair as he mourned the loss of Todd Beacon. “Do you know who killed Todd?”

“I think your responsible for the assassination of my friends Senator.”

“No, that is crazy Kelly it’s not me. I swear I had nothing to do with Kevin’s or Todd’s murder. Martinez tried to kill me yesterday. He is a terrorist and murderer. I swear to you I didn’t hire anyone to kill your friends.”

“If you didn’t hire Martinez to kill my friends then who did?”

The Senator quickly cleared his throat as sweat trickled down his face.“I think the man that killed your friends and attempted to kill me was a private in our platoon.”

A bewildered look crossed Kelly’s suspicious face as he uttered, “What was the private’s name?”

“I don't know. Martinez is now  scorched and burnt. It was impossible for me to identify him, but I do remember his eyes.”

An angry look crept across Kelly’s face as he gazed at Senator Anderson. “You're still lying to me; I can tell when a politician is lying to me.”

“I am not lying Kelly. I think Martinez was a private from our old platoon. I am sure that he is responsible for your friend’s murder.”

Kelly threw Jeff against the Washington monument. His eye flared with rage as he pulled out his 357 Magnum pistol and pointed at the Senator’s head. “Why did Martinez try to kill you in your office yesterday?”

Jeff’s heart was besieged with remorse and regret as he uttered, “Martinez wanted me to reveal the platoon’s secret. I lied to him and told him to visit father Gregory Mansion in the village of Sainte Mère Église France.”

Frustration festered in Kelly’s heart as contemplated if his old friend was lying to him again. Kelly pointed this gun at the senator’s head and asked, “Did you reveal the platoon’s secret?”

“No,” the senator pleaded. “The platoon’s secret is still concealed. I swore an oath forty years ago to never reveal the platoon’s secret to anyone, just like you did Kelly.”

Kelly’s mind drifted back forty years. It was June 6, 1944. That was the day that Kelly conspired with Jeff Anderson and his fellow bothers in arms to commit several heinous and unforgivable sins.  Kelly trembled in fear as he finally realized that he was going to pay for those sins with his life.

“FBI director Dexter Framingham suspects that you hired Martinez to kill my friends, why should I believe you Jeff?”

The Senator’s face was riddled with fear as he said, “Don't trust Dexter. He is a ruthless bastard. I think the director of the FBI has conspired with Martinez to kill our friend.”

“You’re lying again. You're up to something. If I find out that you were involved in the murder of my friends, I am going to murder you with my bare hands.” Kelly grabbed the Senator by the throat and forced his gun to the Senator’s head.

“No, please no,” Jeff Anderson screamed in horror. If you don't believe me find your friend Robert Freeman in Ottawa Canada. Freeman can prove to you that Dexter conspired with Martinez to kill your friends.”

Kelly’s eyes flared with malice as he pointed his gun a the senator’s head. “You’re lying to me again senator, Robert Freeman is dead.

“No, Kelly your friend Robert Freeman is not dead. He faked his own death in 1950, moved to Ottawa and changed his name to Thomas Pain.”