The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter 57

The passengers onboard flight 709, at the Charles de Gaulle airport, were full of rage and resentment when their flight to Dulles international airport was abruptly stopped on the tarmac. Andre Rouèche used his considerable authority to stop the FBI agent’s flight. Agent, Barnett was greeted with hostel looks as she boarded the airplane and delivered a note to the agents from Andre. The note informed the Americans that Andre has traced Robert Dubinsky and his boss Martinez to Geneva Switzerland. Andre arranged for Miss. Barnett to escort the FBI agents to the Geneva international airport aboard his private plain.

Craig Holloway was in heaven as he boarded Andre’ Rouèche’s Dassault Falcon 900 airplane. The Dasssualt airplane was able to cruise at six hundred miles an hour, easily making their trip from Paris to Montreux Switzerland in less than an hour.

For Craig, this was the most delightful forty-five minutes of his life. The first-class accommodation aboard the Concord paled in comparison to Andre’ Rouèche’s private Dassault airplane. The privet jet was adorned with dark leather bucket seats, fur lined walls, surround sound system, a fully stocked bar, a disco ball and even a seven two inch flat screen TV.

Craig couldn’t keep his eyes off agent Katherine Barnett as she opened a bottle of 1953 Louis Roederer Cristal champagne and poured it into three crystal cut champagne glasses.

“A toast, to new friends,” Mrs. Barnett said as she raised her glass of champagne.

A smile washed over Craig’s face as his heart was enticed by the lovely Mrs. Barnett. Katherine Barnett was the most beautiful French women Craig had ever seen. Her long, razor thin legs were cloaked with black knit stockings. A custom made Yves Saint Laurent black dress hugged her curves nicely.  Her long eyelashes, long blonde hair, flaming red lips and manicured red nails complement her crystal blue eyes. A platinum necklace and a pair of golden earrings complete the DST agent’s modern hip attire.

The French DST agent was fresh from military training. Katherine had special training in military weapons like the semi automatic Barrett M82A1 assault rifle. The resourceful, intelligent and ambitious agent also had a black belt in jujitsu and could kill both FBI agents in 3.3 seconds.

The French DST specialized in espionage, human trafficking and weapon smuggling. Her first assignment was to infiltrate an Albania cartel that was responsible for human trafficking and gun running. Her assignment was to find the mysterious leader of the cartel and assassinate him. The mission was a complete success when Katherine single- handedly killed the leader and three other terrorist in less than three minutes with just a six inch blade.

Katherine or kitty as her friends like to call her was the perfect combination of courageous agent and sexy women. Despite Craig’s charm, Kitty was far too smart to fall for his one-liners.

“Andre told me to help you any way possible,” Private Katherine Barnett insisted as she opened a bottle of 1953 Cristal champagne.

“Why Montreux?” Craig inquired as he stared uncontrollable at Katherine’s well rounded breast.

“According to André, the French DST was able to track Martinez’s private plane to Geneva airport.”

“Yeah, but what made André think your terrorist would go to the town of Montreux instead of Geneva or Bern?”

Careful kitty contemplated her thoughts before telling the agents the truth. “An undercover French DST agent has infiltrated the Martinez operation and has provided Andre with twenty-four hour surveillance of the terrorist organization.”

Dennis choked on the champagne and uttered, “Why are you telling us about this only now?”

Mrs. Burnett’s face contorted with rage as she stood up and screamed, “I am sorry agent Paterson, but we are not always allowed to exchange information with foreign spy agency.”

Craig was furious with Andre’ Rouèche as he screamed. “It’s very irresponsible of your boss to withhold information from us on a terrorist that we have been tracking for two years.”

Miss. Barnett’s face was flustered with rage as she screamed, “Mirué, I have never deceived you or your agency. Don’t tell me the FBI, never tried to keep secrets from the French DST.”

The private jet was suddenly engulfed in bitterness and anxiety as Katherine sarcastically snarled at the two FBI agents.

Dennis felt ashamed as he slowly whispered, “I am sorry agent Barnett.”

Katherine quickly regained her usual smile and French charm and whispered, “The director has to be very carefully how much information he may provide to you. If Martinez or Dubinsky even suspected that there was a spy in their terrorist organization, our agent would suffer a fate worst then death.”

“What is the name of the DST agent that infiltrated Martinez organization?” Dennis inquired.

“I am sorry, but I can’t tell you that mesuré. I can tell you that Martinez is searching for a very valuable treasure.”

“How do you know so much about Martinez organization agent Barnett?” Dennis inquired.

Katherine sat down in her leather chair and said, “I was the first French DST agent to infiltrate into the Martinez terrorist organization.”

“While you were embedded in Martinez’s organization did you ever find out what Martinez’s real name was?” Dennis inquired.

“No, Robert Dubinsky found out that I was a DST spy and tried to kill me. Fortunately, I was able to escape to London, England before he could kill me.”

The twenty-six year old agent shivered in fear as she remembered Dubinsky’s angry eyes. Katherine took another sip of champagne and whispered, “After my cover was blown, Andre’ Rouèche  placed another agent into  Martinez’s terrorist group.”

“I wonder if the treasure that Martinez is looking for is the same treasure Kevin Spencer mentioned in his video before he was killed,” Craig theorized

“I recently received informed from the undercover DST agent that Martinez is headed to the Chillon Castle in Montreux, Switzerland,” said Katherine.