The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter: 63

Andre’ Rouèche’s private plane taxied to a hanger in the Geneva airport. Katherine Barnett strutted from the bathroom cloaked in an attire that was more appropriate for chasing terrorist. Her black dress was vanquished and replaced with a pink mock turtleneck sweater and a tight-fitting pair of jeans and knee-high dark leather boots. FBI agent Hollingsworth was mesmerized by Katherine’s fashionable attire as he escorted her out of the plane and into Switzerland international airport.

“Halt, you all under arrest, please drop all your weapons,” demanded the captain of the Swiss border Guards.

Craig felt hostile and bitter as he screamed, “What give you the right…”

“Shut up, turn around, on your knees now,” Swiss border guards shouted as they pointed their m16 assault rifle at the FBI agent’s heads.

Outraged by the Swiss atrocity, Katherine presented her credentials and letter from Andre to the inept Swiss border captain. The Captain was disconcerted by Katherine’s credentials. The guards handcuffed the prisoners and belligerently ordered them into a nearby Hummer.

The ride to the Swiss border guard office was cramped, hostile and vulgar. The Swiss guards roughly escorted the FBI and DST agents into the neglected and filthy police station.

The BGC office was located across the street from the Geneva opera house in downtown Geneva. The Swiss police station was a large brick building with peeling paint, several broken lights and four broken windows.

The agents were treated apprehensively as the Swiss guards dragged them into captain Rhyner’s private office. Katherine, Dennis and Craig were thrust upon three squeaky wooden chairs in front of captain Rhyner’s large maple desk.

“What is the meaning of this? We are from the FBI,” Craig screamed.

“Shut up, I don't care who you are,” the disheveled captain protested as he abruptly turned and faced his new prisoners. The unrefined and repulsive captain stared down at the faces of his detainee with an obtuse look on his face.

Dennis found captain Rhyner to be extremely dimwitted and repugnant with a boorish and ornery disposition. The agent thought that the Captain's best features were his thinning black hair, pale lips, pointed nose, and his dull gray eyes.

The Captain scratched his grungy, mangle beard as he continued to pace the office until he came upon Private Barnett. “who are you?” the inept captain asked.

Katherine’s uses all her feminine mystique to manipulate the captain. She bewitched the unsuspecting captain with her gorgeous smile and sex body.

The captain’s cheeks blushed with a light shade of red as Katherine’s hand softly caressed the captain’s ugly face. The captain quickly dismissed the guards as Katherine made her way around to the other side of the captain’s desk. As her sexy body inched closer to the captain’s chair, it was obvious that his stern dispassion quickly softened till he was putty in Katherine’s hands. Katherine knew she had the captain snared in her labyrinth as she handed him a note from André ‘Rouèche.

The captain sat in his tattered leather chair behind the desk as he read the letter. Sweat trickled from the captain’s thinning hair as he uttered, “Sorry, Katherine, I didn’t know; Please apologize to Mr. Rouèche for the misunderstanding.”

Dennis and Craig were perplexed as they cast their eyes on the belligerent captain.

“The man you are looking for is visiting the Chillon Castle in Montreux. My Sergeant and his men will escort you to Montreux immediately,” The captain insisted.

The captain bowed his head to Katherine as she slowly walked out of the office. Astonish, the FBI agents quickly followed Katherine out of captain Rhyner’s office.

The late afternoon sun was beating down on Montreux as the Swiss police escorted the DST and FBI agents to the Chillon castle in a large armor-plated Hummer.