The Last Soldier Standing by Timothy J. Ryan - HTML preview

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Chapter 64

A wave of shock and disappointment pour over me as I deliberate the priest’s fate. Let the priest lives or be murdered by the hands of Kandinsky.“Wait,” I finally cry, “what is written in that letter?”

Rage lurked in Kandinsky’s soul as he slowly passed me the note.

The rip and torn piece of parchment was old and stained with dry blood. I squint in the dimly lit jail and read the note. “Sorry father for I have sinned. I have stolen what you seek. Please forgive me, the treasure was too much to share with anyone else. Signed D.”

The priest’s eyes filled with tears and dread, “Please I swear the treasure was here. I had no idea that someone has some stolen the treasure.” Tears trickled down his face as he begged for mercy on his sole.

Albert raised a stone in his right hand and thrust it violently down upon the priest’s head. The priest let out an agonizing scream as his head trembling in pain.  His eyes beg me for forgiveness as I watched in horror. With all of his unrelenting evil in his sinister heart, Albert released his wrath and plummet the stone onto the priest’s skull again. Malice erupted in Albert’s mind as he pulverized the penitent priest’s head with a third and final thrust of the bloody stone.

The priest dreadful screams echoed throughout the castle as blood splattered onto Jennifer's pink silk blouse. I stared in disbelief as blood dripped from the rock in Albert’s hand. The priest’s body slowly crumbled to the floor of the jail as I was beleaguered with terror.

Feeling of euphoria and vindictiveness rushed through Mr. Kandinsky’s sole. The pent- up animosity that has lingered in his sole for the last forty years suddenly erupted. A terrified look shrouded my face as I lamented the priest I once called a good friend.